Chapter 17: Recovery

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I woke up and Lo'ak was still next to me, holding me

Sophía- Lo'ak?

Lo'ak- I'm here!

Sophía- Thank you

Lo'ak- You're welcome! I'll go now if you want

Sophía- No! Stay... please!

He nodded and laid back down wrapping his arms around me

Lo'ak- I'm so sorry Sophía!

I started to cry, I hated that we were in this situation! With me losing my baby... and Tsireya still having hers... I love this man to death but I don't know what to do

Sophía- I love you Lo'ak! *I cried*

Lo'ak- I love you too Sophía!

He held me tighter and I turned facing him and I buried my face into his chest crying, I wanted to fix this, so badly! But I don't want my heart to get broken again...

Sophía- Lo'ak...

Lo'ak- Yes?

Sophía- Are you still y'know

He shook his head

Lo'ak- No, no, I'm not! I broke it off with her!

I smiled

Sophía- Well... if you want us back... you can but we gotta start fresh

He nodded and left and I was confused but then he came back

Lo'ak- Ah there's the beautiful princess! My lady, will you go out with me?

He pulled out a flower and I chuckled

Sophía- Why yes! I would love too!

He came closer to me and placed a kiss on my forehead

Lo'ak- I'll make this right! I promise!

I nodded

Sophía- Thank you!

Lo'ak- And we'll get our miracle! We will!

He came and laid next to me and wrapped his arms around me then we heard a knock

Sophía- Come in!

Aubréy- Hey- what's he doing here!?

Sophía- Can you give us a minute?

He nodded and got up and left

Aubréy- Don't tell me...

Sophía- I had a miscarriage Aub

Aubréy- Oh my- when!?

Sophía- Yesterday and yes it was Lo'ak's! He came in here yesterday to comfort me, it's what I needed, he said he broke it off with Tsireya so I told him we can start over

Aubréy- Soph! She's pregnant with his kid!

Sophía- He said he's done with her

Aubréy- And when she has the baby? Is he still gonna be done?

I didn't think about that

Aubréy- I just don't want you to get hurt again!

Sophía- I know but we're mated Aub

Aubréy- Right, I forgot

Sophía- I love him! So much!

Aubréy- I know you do

Sophía- I can't lose him too!

Aubréy- I know

She came and gave me a hug then left then Lo'ak came back in

Sophía- Sorry about that

Lo'ak- It's ok

He came and laid next to me

Sophía- So when's our date? *I smiled*

Lo'ak- Tonight? If you want! *He smiled*

Sophía- I'd love that!

He held me tightly and we just laid there together

What do you think is gonna happen?
Do you think Lo'ak is gonna keep his word about not seeing Tsireya anymore?...

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