Chapter 15: Heartbreak (Part 1)

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Well, Sophía was 1 month pregnant, so was Tsireya but something was about change...

Sophía- Kitty?

Lo'ak- Yes?

Sophía- Can you go get me something to eat? Please?

Lo'ak- Of course! *I smiled* I'll be back!

I left and went and got her food then brought it back

Lo'ak- Here you go princess!

I handed her the food and she ate it

Sophía- Thank you!

Lo'ak- Your welcome!

I kissed her

Sophía- Lo'ak?

Lo'ak- Hm?

Sophía- What would you say if I asked you... to get mated with me?

I was shocked

Lo'ak- Umm I'd say... yes obviously! *I chuckled*

Sophía- What would you say if I actually wanted to do it?

Lo'ak- I'd say let's do it in a heartbeat but don't you think we should wait?

Sophía- Why? It's not like your seeing anyone else... are you?

Lo'ak- No! You're the only princess for me!

Sophía- So? Can we?

I was hesitant, I loved Sophía to death and she's carrying my child but then I have Tsireya carrying my other child...

Lo'ak- Yes! We can princess!

I smiled and she kissed me and we connected our queues and we were mated... well shit! Now what the hell am I gonna do about Tsireya!? We laid down and fell asleep with our queues still connected

The Next Day

We woke up and disconnected our queues

Lo'ak- Morning! *I smiled*

Sophía- Morning! *She smiled*

Lo'ak- I love you!

Sophía- I love you too!

We went outside and Sophía went in the water and Aonung went up to her

Aonung- What are you doing!?

She got out

Sophía- Huh?

Aonung- Are you some sort of... freak?

She rolled her eyes

Sophía- No

Aonung- I mean look at these hands! Your not even real Na'vi! No wonder my sister fucked your man and he got her pregnant!

She stopped and turned around

Sophía- What the hell did you just say!?

Aonung- You heard me!

Sophía- Why should I believe you!?

Tsireya- Cause it's true!

Sophía- What!?

Tsireya- Yeah! It is true! He's the father of my child!

Sophía- You're lying! He would never do that!

Tsireya- Oh yeah? Look!

She showed her her belly

Sophía- Oh my- NO! NO! That can't be real!

Tsireya- It is! He doesn't love you! If he did he wouldn't have cheated on you!

She ran off with tears in her eyes and I saw her and ran after her

Lo'ak- Hey! Princess! What's wrong!?

I tried grabbing her hand but she swiped it away

Sophía- Is it true!?

Lo'ak- Is what true?

Sophía- Don't play stupid Lo'ak! *She cried*

I sighed

Lo'ak- Yes... it's true

Sophía- Oh my- and you got her pregnant!?

Lo'ak- Yes...

Sophía- How long?

Lo'ak- Soph...

Sophía- How long!?

Lo'ak- Ever since we got here...

Sophía- Oh my Eywa! How could you! How could you do this to me! And mate with me and you fucking knew you got her ass pregnant and you still mated with me and you fucking lied when I asked if you were seeing anyone else! *She sobbed*

Lo'ak- Sophía... please

I tried grabbing her hand but she backed up

Sophía- Don't touch me!

Lo'ak- Sophía please! I love you!

Sophía- No you don't! If you did you wouldn't have gotten her ass pregnant! *She yelled* just... leave Lo'ak!

Lo'ak- Sophía... please... *I cried*

She didn't say anything, I left and she broke down in tears

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