Chapter 16: Heartbreak (Part 2)

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I was heartbroken, I couldn't believe what I just heard...

Jáyda- Hey! What's wrong!?

Aubréy- What happened!?

Sophía- He cheated on me! And got her ass pregnant! *I sobbed* then I told him I was pregnant!

Aubréy- What!?

Jáyda- He what!?

Sophía- I don't know what to do! *I sniffled* We're mated and I'm carrying his child and I still do love him!

Aubréy- You're mated!?

I nodded then we heard a knock

Sophía- Go away!

Neteyam- It's me

I went and opened the door

Sophía- What?

Neteyam- He told me what happened

Sophía- Yeah! I bet he did!

Neteyam- Look, I'm not gonna tell you what to do but he really does care for you and he does love you! I've never seen my brother as happy as he is with you! Like ever! He's pretty upset about it

Sophía- I bet he is!

I rolled my eyes

Neteyam- I'm sorry that this is happening

Sophía- Yeah! Thanks!

He got up and left and I felt a sharp pain in my stomach

Sophía- Ahhh! *I screamed*

Aubréy- Soph!? What happened!?

Sophía- I don't know! My stomach!

Jáyda looked down

Jáyda- Soph... you're bleeding...

Sophía- What?

I looked down and I saw blood dripping down my leg

Aubréy- I'll go get help!

She ran out to get help

Neytiri- What happened!?

Sophía- I felt a sharp pain in my stomach then I started bleeding!

Neytiri- Let me check you! Girls can you leave please?

They nodded and left

Neytiri- Ok this is gonna be a little discomforting

I nodded and she checked me and her expression changed

Sophía- What's wrong!?

Neytiri- Sophía... I'm sorry but you just had a miscarriage

My eyes got watery

Sophía- What? No! No! *I sobbed*

Neytiri- I'm so sorry for your loss, I'll give you some space

She was about to leave

Sophía- Wait! Can you... get Lo'ak... please? *I cried*

She nodded and left and he came in and ran to me and wrapped his arms around me tightly! I didn't care that I was mad at him, I just needed him more than anything right now!

Sophía- I'm sorry! *I sobbed* I'm sorry!

Lo'ak- Don't apologize! You have nothing to be sorry for! I'm here! *He cried*

I was clenching onto him sobbing, screaming my lungs out! I was mad at him and hurt that I lost our baby, I felt I lost the one true love I had and I lost my first child, I was heartbroken, I cried myself to sleep and Lo'ak was still holding me

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