Chapter 12: Lovers Lane

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|SOPHÍA POV||Warning: Sexual Content|

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|Warning: Sexual Content|

I saw my sister come back

Sophía- Thanks

Aubréy- Yeah! You're welcome!

I felt someone put their arms around me

Lo'ak- Hi princess!

Sophía- Hi kitty!

Lo'ak- You wanna get out of here for a little bit and have some me and you time?

I smiled

Sophía- I'd love that!

He grabbed my hand and led me to my Marui and closed the door then he came behind me and I could feel him pressing himself against me, It felt good

Sophía- What did you have in mind? Hm?

He smirked

Lo'ak- Do you want a hint? *He whispered*

I nodded and he put his hand down my loincloth and started rubbing on my pussy

Sophía- Mmm fuck! *I moaned*

He started rubbing up and down fast which sent sensations through my body, I started to moan loudly but he covered my mouth with his other hand

Lo'ak- Shhh babe! You gotta be quiet!

I nodded and he went faster which felt incredible!

Sophía- Ahhh fuck! You do it so good! *I moaned*

Lo'ak- I know how to please my girl! *He smirked*

I could feel my orgasm rise

Sophía- I'm gonna cum!

Lo'ak- Then cum for me! *He whispered*

He went faster and then I came all over his hand then he licked his hand tasting me

Lo'ak- Fuck! You taste amazing!

He chuckled then he kissed me

Sophía- I love you!

Lo'ak- I love you too!

We laid down and he held me

Sophía- Kitty?

Lo'ak- Yes princess?

Sophía- Would you ever y'know cheat on me?

He sat up and looked at me

Lo'ak- Why would you ask that?

Sophía- I just see you with Tsireya and you seem happy when your around her

Lo'ak- If your asking if I like her, I don't! I only love you! That's it! Ok?

Sophía- But I just feel-

Lo'ak- Sophía! Just drop it ok!?

I noticed he was getting irritated

Sophía- Ok! I'm sorry

He got up

Sophía- Where are you going!?

Lo'ak- For a walk! You ruined the mood!

He walked out and I was alone, I got up and went outside

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