A Wolf's broken bound

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Kimhan POV :

🌕KimChay's house, Japan 🌕

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🌕KimChay's house, Japan 🌕

Kim had never imagined being betrayed like this in his whole life.
And not by his fucking mate who was also the father his child.
What the hell was Chay thinking ?!
He had done his best to accept Porchay and all his problems.
He had been patient and he had learned to love, to trust him... And this kid had taken everything from him.

"So they're not here anymore?" Kinn frowned, his hands on his hips, he looked wary. "Porchay and Baby Blue? They just...left ?"

''Gone.'' affirmed Porsche while smoking a cigarette.

''Oi, oh my, why...??'' exclaimed Lady Vera very worried. ''Nong Chay never...showed any interest in Baby Blue.''

Kim was in front of his family, sitting like an ice prince, his face so closed it looked like he was going to kill someone.
Maybe he would.
Leon, who had returned, scratched the back of his head nervously:

''I tried to warn him that it was not a good idea, but you know Chay, he is stubborn and even more when his family is concerned. Listen.... I am sorry, my friend. I really tried too...''

"You son of a bitch," hissed Kit, who for the first time in his life lost his temper and punched Leo.

''Hey!'' shouted Porsche surprised. ''I was gonna do it !''


Leon tried to avoid Kit, but he found himself thrown to the ground, he begged Kim, his childhood friend, but the latter was...So cold.
Completely different, he looked like a stranger.
He did not even look at him and declared:

''Kit. Boss. Anon.''

''Yes, Khun Kim.'' replied his three guards with one voice.

''Find my daughter.''

With his words, Kimhan stood up, ignoring Kinn's confused look.
What about Porchay? Why didn't Kimhan ask to find him too...? Porchay was Kim's mate...Right ?
Porsche clenched his fists furiously too, and Kit stopped him from pursuing Kim.

''What the hell...'' growled Porsche while seeing Kim going upstairs.

Kim thought he would felt a storm of anger, but no.
On the contrary.
He was calm, too calm. His brain was as empty as his heart.
Porchay had made him happy, and he had taken his happiness from him, torn it away.
Kim's heart was a gaping hole in his chest.
He went into his baby bedroom, lay down on the sofa, and cried.

He missed Blue so much....
He hated Porchay for what he has done.
This was his limits.
They no more were.
No more KimChay.
No more mate.

🌕 Three days later, Tokyo International Airport

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🌕 Three days later, Tokyo International Airport. 🌕

External POV:

''Are you ready ?''

Korn walked slowly, with his black cane, at the end of which there was the engraved head of a lion with green eyes.
Chan at his side loaded his master's suitcases, looking serious as usual.

''Yes sir. We made it. The baby is inside.''

Korn glanced behind him, smirking. Rose rolled her eyes, eager to reunite with her students.
She hated Korn. So fucking much.

''You are smart, Professor Rose.''

''I dare not think that I am more than you. But thank you.''

''You did a good job.''

Rose nodded.
She looked at her red painted nails before sighing:

"She's my best friend's child. You rather not hurt her."

''And my granddaughter.'' added Korn.

Rose shrugged, ignoring the old man and his crazed pack of dogs.
She passed in front of everyone, heading straight into the common space of the spaceship.
Trying to find her friend...Oh.
Porchay sat by the window, his face neutral, unable to hide his worried gray gaze.
He looked so different...so broken.

"Ready to go?" Rose asked.


"P'Kim still doesn't know anything?"

"If I told him, he wouldn't believe me."

Porchay sighed.
He was tired and his heart hurt.
Kimhan's expression when he last saw him...His mate had been clear.
They were no more.
Porchay was gone anyway. Sacrificing their baby to old Korn Theerapanyakul.

''It will be fine...I'm sure of it.''

''All this wouldn't have happened if...''

''Chaychay. You were born like this, you can't help it. You didn't know about your mother's gene. You were unaware of the one transmitted to your daughter and Porsche himself ignored his own ability to transform. I know Korn isn't our best option, but one thing's for sure, he knows more than us...He can help Baby Blue.''


''Good, let's hold on to that. We're going to follow this damn plan, get as much information as possible about Baby Blue, and I'll return her to her father. As agreed. Don't panic now.''

Rose patted Chay on the shoulder and Chay nodded, trying to soothe his tormented heart.
He had felt his bond with Kim broke, it was as if suddenly the world had lost its colors.
Something definitely felt wrong.
His wolf was silent, absentminded.
Would he sulk forever?
Porchay didn't know...He was feeling nothing.
He was different, almost a different man.

''We'll protect her.'' murmured Chay with conviction. ''Even if I have to die for her.''

''Die ?''

Korn entered the room in turn, with a cigar in his mouth.
He arched an eyebrow and looked so much like Kim right now that Chay's heart sank.

''You're smarter than I thought.'' confessed Korn. ''You understood the situation better than my own son.''

"Wait, what !?" cried Rose whose face had turned as white as snow. ''What do you mean Chay is gonna die ?!''

Korn clapped his hands together, his gaze fixed on Porchay.

''The Kittisawasd family omega were born with a gene capable of transforming your body into that of a wolf...But the female omega in your family have a poison in their blood. My beautiful Bee has fallen into a coma and no one could save her... But you can save your daughter. We can give her your blood, Nong Chay.''

''What the hell are you saying old man ?'' growled Rose, trying to protect Porchay.

''It's a deal. Right ? Your blood...To save both my love and your daughter.''

Porchay didn't blink.
He didn't even answer.
He knew it.
He had always understood: to be an omega was a curse.


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