Dying Wolf

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External POV, first meeting of Blue and Chay's wolf :

External POV, first meeting of Blue and Chay's wolf :

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🌙 Inside the royal garden 🌙

The wolf no longer understood what was happening.
He had been rejected.
The new man was trying to treat him well, and he was strange.
At least, he was not too bad.
His own human no longer had any consciousness, he was simply no longer there.



The alpha of his pack.
His blood brother.
The wolf waggled its tail slightly when it saw him.
He had been locked alone in a small cage for moons before he could finally see the sky again.
The weather was fine and he was in a small forest.
Or something like this, still unable to run away.


The big black wolf lifted his nose in the air, inhaling the smell of a barbecue lit by humans.
He barked and ran off into the tall thorny bushes.
The omega then found itself alone again.


It let out a sad little yelp.
Only his older brother managed to distract him a little.
The wolf had tried to call his mate, howling for many nights with all his heart, but the communication between them had been broken.
Now he was just a stupid animal, locked up in a garden, watched by humans who once cared for him...
But just like pets' owner, humans had short memories, and they quickly stopped paying attention to their animals...


The wolf heard a branch break and a body fell to the ground.
He turned around, ready to kill...but :


He immediately sniffed the air.
The smell was familiar to him.
It was strange, his brother had yet left to eat.
He felt like...Family ? A familiar feeling.
<< Family >> growled his brain.


''Ah. Don't eat me, o-okay?''

A small human female sat in the grass in front of him.
She had on a blue dress... Oh, the wolf pricked up his ears slightly: he had a pleasant memory. He liked blue.
Yes, it was a pretty color.
He especially liked blue butterfly.
Hum, blue was good.
Not too bad.
He didn't want to kill the little girl.

''You are...'' the girl tilted her head. ''..not a real wolf huh? I heard that you are an Omega, right ? Khun...Hay..Chay..Ah, Porchay ! Khun Porchay!''

The wolf imitated the little girl, also tilting his big head.
This made her laugh.
It was also a familiar sound.
The wolf lowered his body slightly against the ground, examining the child: she also had blue eyes and black hair.
Something in her face was strange.
Hum...The wolf liked it for now. He would not eat her.
She was funny.

''I...came to help you.'' whispered the young woman. ''My name is Blue, by the way ! Nice to meet you.''

She held out her hand, smiled and pulled her hand away very quickly, as if suddenly frightened.
The wolf was still a wild beast, not some cute puppy.

"Don't eat me, deal ? I help you and you just stay...calm."


''I'm not stupid!'' replied the latter.

The wolf almost wanted to let her touch him, but he was suspicious.
Sometimes children were more cruel than men.
Everything could be juste a trap to torture the wolf...
But the young woman got up gently, brushed off her dress and wrinkled her brow.

''Let's see...If there a gates, there's a key...But I don't have it. Think, Blue, think...''

The child looked older, when she took on a serious expression, her hands resting on her hips.
It was strange.
The wolf lay down in the grass, suddenly exhausted.
He wasn't as strong as before, mainly because he barely ate.
He wanted to sleep so bad, his eyes were heavy.

''Damn, look how skinny you are..'' suddenly muttered the young woman sadly. ''What have they done to you ?''

The air changed.
Surprised, the wolf plunged his gaze into that of the little girl.
She had purple shades, and he could see the child's wolf: a dominant white female.

A Luna?
Rare creature.
Just like Omega.

It was strange...The last white wolf the omega had seen...was his mate.
His lost mate.
Not anymore. Now, he was alone and tired.


''You're sad.'' commented the young woman. ''I am sorry.''

She lifted her hand, and her slender little fingers slid into the wolf's brown fur.
The little one seemed sincere, a single tear ran down her cheek before she pulled herself together.

"I'll get you out of here."

The human got up, she looked around the garden before finding a hole, big enough for the wolf to pass through if he dug a little... But the animal had not escaped.
He...did not escape.

"You...don't want to get out of here?"


''But.... why ?''

The animal simply stared ahead.
Why ?
He no longer had a home.
Nowhere to go.
Nobody expected him.

''Did they let you down?'' whispered the young woman. ''You look so lonely.''

It was as if her heart had tuned into the same frequency as the omega and she sighed with sadness.
If the wolf wouldn't come out, then she couldn't do anything for him.

''I'm sorry for what men did to you...It's okay, you can sleep now. Rest. You have been very brave. Even more brave than my stupid friend, Guffy. Haha... I am sorry, I'll let you now.''

The young girl stroked the animal again gently, a last caress, and she saw the animal close its eyes.
As if he were accepting one last comfort before he deeply went into a long sleep...

''Rest in peace, little wolf.'' said the girl before looking behind her.

It was so sad.
How could humans be so cruel ?
There was no answers.
Blue went home that day, her heart heavy with sorrows.

''Oh, here she is !'' growled her mother.

''Rose...'' said her father.

''You are late, young lady ! I have already told you that someone really important was here to see you tonight!''

Blue didn't care.
She couldn't even raise her eyes up.
She tried to not get scolded more by simply nodding.

''Blue. We have something to told you..''

''I don't want to hear it.''

The young girl kept walking.
She ignored her mother and went straight to her bed.
Sometimes, a little something could overwhelm your whole life.

She felt like she had lost a very long friend.

She felt like she had lost a very long friend

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