Leaving the wolf

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External POV :

🌙 Inside the Prince's garden 🌙

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🌙 Inside the Prince's garden 🌙

The huge garden was flowery and well maintained.
There were various colorful flowers, butterflies fluttering in the air, the wind slightly moved the branches of the tall trees.

"It's a nice place." Kim commented as he sipped his tea.

''Rose hates you.'' stated Leon simply narrowing his eyes, he was trying to find the wolf. ''You had him locked up in a cage, and here he is locked up in a garden. Not matter how pretty the place is, a prison is still a prison.''

''It's a wild beast.'' hoisted Kim. ''And it's none of your business.''

He invited his friend to sit down too, but Leon was in a bad mood, the latter leaned over, putting his hands on the stone balcony.
Leon was really annoyed by his old friend's behaviour and Rose...Well, she could have killed Kim on the spot if she was here.

''...That hasn't always been the case, and you know it. Nong Porchay is...''

''THE BEAST belongs to the prince now.'' replied Kimhan casually.

''Screw you, Kim.''

Leon tried to find the wolf, among the immense greenery of the garden.
Their host arrived soon after, still dressed in elegant clothes.

''My old friend Leon. Long time no see.''

''Prince Vincente.''

They exchanged quick greetings and Kim stood up, casting his icy gaze directly behind a large oak tree, he was still able to feel the beast.
The wolf looked at him, he seemed almost docile, surely still tired from the anesthesia to transport him.
A wave of hatred and pain invaded Kim's heart, and he preferred to look away.

''Are you satisfied, your majesty ?''

''I am.'' confessed Prince Vincente with a sincere smile.

The latter whistled, leaning towards the garden, imitating Leon.
He easily spotted the animal, because it had come forward.
The wolf ignored Kim, and Kim did the same.

''Magnificent...'' marveled the prince. ''Come here, good doggie...''

Leon groaned, he was outraged and didn't understand Kimhan's behavior, once again. How could he get rid of his own fucking mate and father of his child !?
There were definitely out of their minds, both of them.
The KimChay couple had disappeared and Leon had to raise Baby Blue with Rose at Kim's request.

''It's not just an animal...You know that, right?'' Leon wondered looking at the prince.

The latter nodded, but his gaze sparkled with wonder at the wolf.
Vincente wasn't stupid, he knew he was an Omega capable of taking human form. And yet, he was absolutely in love with that big dog.
He was sure that one day, he would pet the wolf.

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