A perfect day for math to have letters. || Chapter 4

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Chayanne was a demon.

Well, not really but also quite literally.

He was part dragon, like Tallulah, Dapper, Bobby and JuanaFlippa. Fundy was a fox, and a few other hybrids could be found in the orphanage.

But he was a demon in the way that he was a spawn of Satan.

This is why when he found out he was the first one awake, his immediate thought was to annoy Tommy.

Oh boy.


"FUCK'S SAKE- LEAVE MY ROOM!" Tommy yelled, trying to get back to sleep. But it was useless.

Chayanne had took his pillow and blanket, then put goddess's worst music at the loudest volume. So not only was Tommy cold but now he also had a headache.

Chayanne was giggling as he left his brother's room. Ah, Goddess would be proud.

Meanwhile, Tommy was trying to get back to sleep, but it was futile.

He then got up and noticed it was 6 AM. The usual time for him and his family to wake up. He guesses Chayanne woke up the first and decided to annoy the shit out of him. Fuckin eggs.

Tommy sighs and starts to get ready. He settles on a blue hoodie along with black pants as well as a small watch the see the time during class and check every 5 minutes how much time is left until the period ends.

As he finishes getting ready he gets out his phone and starts scrolling through Tiktok. He had nothing else to do! Could you really blame him?

The answer is yes.

As he gets more bored and bored he dies that's the end of the story oh my goddess writer's block


Later down the line, Techno and Wilbur are walking down the hallways. It was the first day of school where they actually learnt some stuff, Friday was just the teachers talking about how the school works and the school program.

Well, now they could actually sort of explore the school as it was recess. Wilbur drank a bunch of water and Techno had bought chips.

They were heading to the principal's office to sign up for Wilbur's music class as always.

As they finally got there, they knocked on the door and heard a sort of robotic voice? Saying; "Come in. Come in."

They opened the door and did in fact come in.

Surprisingly, the one waiting at the desk wasn't Mr. XD like they were used to. The person seemed more... Pale. Like, very pale. They had white hair and was wearing a suit.

..Alright. Nothing that bad, just new teachers, new principal.

"Hello Mr.." Wilbur trails off, looking at the principal's badge. It's Cucurucho. "Cucurucho."

"Hello. Hello. I am a part of the QSMP's census bureau." They greet and Wilbur is sort off weirded out. Techno seems to be too.

Wilbur's anxiety rises slowly, damn meds, really nods fuckin helping, and Techno seems to notice as they speak up instead. "Wilbur would like to sign up for music class."

"Yes. Yes." They say as they look through their drawers then pull out a few papers. "Sign it."

Wilbur takes the papers and read through them. It was just asking if they'd like music class and it would cause for 1 hour to be added to their time table and all that stuff.

A perfect fantasy. || QSMP x DSMP || Fantasy x Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now