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when I die

when I die I don't want people to be sad about it, I want them to be happy, to be happy for me.
Because the day I die, I will be free.

when I die, I want to be remembered by small things, such as sunsets and orchids
I want to every year on my anniversary, my friends and family go out and have a great time
I want them to celebrate that day.

when I die, I don't want to be buried and left to rot in the ground,
I want to live as the ocean, to have my ashes spread across, and be freely swimming everyday.

when I die, at my funeral no one should to wear black, you aren't grieving me you're celebrating so I want all the brightest colors to be worn,
I don't want no tears spilled over my grave, just the shared laughs and memories.

when I die.

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