𝒽ℴ𝓂ℯ 𝒻ℴ𝓇 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂ℯ𝓇 ⁰²

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The Fishers had finally arrived at the beach house, their home away from home during the summer months. As they pulled up in their car, the caretaker greeted them with a warm smile and informed them that one of their guests had already arrived. Susannah's face lit up with joy as she knew exactly who the caretaker was referring to - Florence.

With excitement bubbling in her heart, Susannah entered the house while her two sons, Jeremiah and Conrad, unloaded the luggage from the car. They carried the bags inside, one by one, making sure everything was safely brought into the house.

Once they had finally carried the last piece of luggage inside, Jeremiah couldn't contain his eagerness any longer. He rushed into the living room, where he expected to find his best friend waiting for him. "Flo, you're here!" he exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face. However, his excitement was quickly hushed by his mother, who was already in the room, gently running her hands through Florence's hair.

"She must be so exhausted from the journey," Susannah whispered, her voice filled with care and concern. Conrad entered the room at that moment, listening in. "She's been so afraid to travel in cars since Emilia," she explained, her voice laced with empathy, "she took different buses and breaks in-between to get from Oakland to here in 3 days. I almost feel guilty for making her go through all this."

"You know she loves you and would do anything for you, mom," Jeremiah reassured her, his eyes filled with affection for both his mother and his best friend. Susannah nodded, her smile growing wider, "yeah, she would, my perfect little girl," she agreed softly, her love for Florence evident in her voice.

Sighing, Susannah then turned her attention to Jeremiah again. "Jeremiah, honey, go and fetch the room keys from the caretaker and make sure everything is cleaned and ready for everyone," she instructed.

As Jeremiah left to fulfill his mother's request, Conrad took a seat on the single chair opposite the couch where Florence was peacefully sleeping. It was the first time he had seen her in three years, and he couldn't help but be captivated by her presence.

Florence had blossomed from a petite girl to a stunning young woman. Her fiery red hair flowed freely, no longer confined to the bobs she used to have. Her freckles danced across her skin, more pronounced than ever before. Conrad couldn't help but admire her beauty, even in her slumber, grateful to have her back at the summer house they all called home.

His thoughts were interrupted as Susannah cleared her throat, catching his attention. She was smiling at him as she spoke, "Connie, would you mind carrying Flo to her room upstairs?" she asked, and Conrad looked at her with confusion.

"The couch can be uncomfortable, and she might sprain her neck. Let's make sure she gets a good and well-rested sleep before Laurel and the kids arrive," Susannah explained, her concern evident in her voice.

Conrad hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixated on Florence's peaceful face. He couldn't help but admire her, her features illuminated by a soft glow in the room. With a slight nod, he stood up from his seat and approached the couch where she lay, sound asleep.

Gently, he reached down and carefully scooped Florence into his arms, cradling her against his chest. He made sure to support her head with one hand, ensuring she remained comfortable and undisturbed in her slumber. Conrad was careful with each step as he navigated his way up the stairs, his focus solely on ensuring Florence's safety and peace.

Belly and Florence had always shared a room during their summers at the beach house.

As Conrad reached the top of the stairs, he followed Jeremiah, who had already unlocked and prepared the rooms for their arrival. Conrad walked into the familiar room, his gaze shifting to the bed where he gently laid Florence down, placing a pillow beneath her head.

In her sleep, Florence stirred, mumbling something unintelligible. He carefully adjusted her position, ensuring her comfort, and couldn't help but smile at her sleep-filled murmurs.

Locks of hair had fallen across her face during the movement, and he couldn't resist the urge to tenderly move them away, tucking them behind her ear. It was an intimate moment, being so close to her, her freckles, like delicate constellations, adorned her face, captivating Conrad even more. She was even more beautiful now, and Conrad couldn't help but feel a rush of affection for her.

Still smiling, Conrad slowly withdrew his hand from under Florence's head, making sure not to disturb her peaceful slumber. He reached over to the bedside table and placed her cherished teddy bear beside her, a small token of comfort and familiarity.

Taking one last lingering look at Florence, Conrad felt a mixture of tenderness and longing. He had missed her these past summers. He quietly closed the door behind him, leaving her to rest, and made his way back downstairs, his mind filled with thoughts of how summer had only just begun, but already, having Florence back for summer again awakened something deep within him.

As he walked away from her room, Conrad couldn't help but wonder what this summer held in store for them, their lives intertwining once again in the place they both called home. Finally, after 3 long years, they were all back together under the same roof. They were all home for the summer.

𝒮𝓃ℴ𝓌 ℴ𝓃 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝒷ℯ𝒶𝒸𝒽- ᶜᵒⁿʳᵃᵈ ᶠⁱˢʰᵉʳ.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang