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Damon: (on the phone) Hey, Bree! It's been a while. How are you?
Bree: (surprised) Damon? Oh wow, I'm good! How about you?
Damon: (chuckles) Couldn't be better. Listen, I'm actually in Georgia right now and I was hoping we could catch up.
Bree: (enthusiastically) Oh definitely! Where are you? Let's meet up.
(Damon and Bree meet at a coffee shop)
Bree: So, what brings you to Georgia?
Damon: I need your help with something. You remember the tomb we found in Mystic Falls?
Bree: Yeah, of course. What about it?
Damon: I need to figure out how to open it without getting killed in the process.
Bree: (laughs) Classic Damon move. Alright, let me see what I can find out.
(Damon and Bree spend the next few hours discussing ways to open the tomb)
Monyi: (steps out of the shadows) Well look who we have here. The infamous Damon Salvatore.
Damon: Who are you?
Monyi: My name is Monyi. And let's just say that you owe me a debt.
Damon: (defensive) I don't owe anyone anything.
Monyi: Oh but you do. You killed my brother during one of your feeding frenzies.
Bree: Damon, we need to go now!
(Damon and Bree make a run for it as Monyi chases after them)
Later that day:
Stefan: Bonnie needs our help. She's afraid of her powers and won't use them.
Grams: Well, why don't we start by talking about your own experiences with magic, Stefan?
Stefan opens up about his struggles with controlling his powers in the past and how he has learned to use them for good.
Jeremy: (to Anna) You really think all the folklore about Mystic Falls is true?
Anna: Absolutely. And there's one story in particular that I believe could be true. The one about the vampires.
(Damon returns to Mystic Falls)
Stefan: Damon, I have news. Our parents are alive.
Damon: What? How is that even possible?
Stefan: I don't know, but we need to find them. And fast.
The story ends with a cliffhanger as Damon and Stefan set out to uncover the truth about their parents' survival and what it means for their supernatural world.

As Monyi walked into the 1950s' themed school dance, she couldn't help but gawk at the fashion. "Wow, I feel like I just traveled through time," she said to her friends.
Elena chuckled, "You're not the only one feeling that way."
Stefan pointed to a man approaching Damon, "I think that's Alaric Saltzman."
Damon turned around and extended his hand out to Alaric, "Damon Salvatore."
Alaric nodded, "Nice to finally meet you."
Meanwhile, Stefan whispered in Elena's ear, "Do you see anyone suspicious? Any new vampires?"
Elena shook her head, "Not yet. But it's good to be prepared."
Stefan then handed Elena a necklace filled with vervain capsules. "This will protect you and your family and friends," he said with a smile on his face.
As they made their way onto the dance floor, Matt approached them. "Hey guys," he said with exhaustion in his voice. "I've been working long hours at Mystic Grill just trying to make ends meet."
Monyi put a reassuring hand on Matt's shoulder, "We'll figure something out."
Just as their conversation was ending, Damon approached Bonnie aggressively. Ben intervened before anything could escalate further. "Leave her alone," he warned Damon with a serious tone of voice.
The drama never seems to end in this town full of supernatural beings. Monyi looked around vigilantly as she danced the night away with her friends.

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