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Sheriff Forbes: Alaric, Elena, I have some troubling news. The weapon used in the recent murder was made of a very rare material, which is only found in one place.
Alaric: Where?
Sheriff Forbes: In the possession of Klaus Mikaelson.
Elena: How is that possible?
Sheriff Forbes: I don't know, but Klaus seems to have access to things that no one else does.
Alaric: What are we going to do?
Elena: We have to stop him. He's too dangerous.
Sheriff Forbes: I'm working on it. But in the meantime, be careful. Klaus will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
Meanwhile, Stefan turns to Bonnie and Abby for help with his plan to kill Klaus.
Stefan: Bonnie, Abby, we need your help.
Bonnie: What do you need?
Abby: And why should we help you?
Stefan: Because Klaus is a threat to all of us. He has to be stopped.
Bonnie: What's your plan?
Stefan lays out his plan in detail, and Bonnie and Abby agree to help him.
Meanwhile, Damon reaches out to an old acquaintance for help with his own plan.
Damon: Sage, I need your help with something.
Sage: What do you want from me?
Damon tells Sage about his plan to kill Klaus, and she agrees to help him as well.
Klaus hosts a strange dinner party where he reveals another story from his family's violent past until an unexpected guest brings the party to an end.
Klaus: My dear friends and family members, welcome! Tonight I have a special treat for you. Let me tell you a story...
Suddenly, the door bursts open and Kymonyi walks in.
Klaus: Kymonyi! What are you doing here?
Kymonyi: I have come to stop you, Klaus.
Caroline is heartbroken when she is unable to stop a tragedy from unfolding.
Caroline: No, please don't do this!
But her pleas fall on deaf ears, and the tragedy unfolds before her eyes.
In the end, Klaus is stopped and peace is restored to the supernatural world. Kymonyi emerges as a powerful force for good, using her tribrid abilities to protect all of those she loves.

(Kymonyi receives an invitation to a formal ball)
Kymonyi: "What's this? An invitation to a formal ball? Who could have possibly sent this?"
*Suddenly, Damon and Stefan appear*
Damon: "Hey, I heard about that ball. It's being hosted at Klaus's newly renovated mansion."
Stefan: "Yeah, we were thinking of attending with you."
Kymonyi: "Oh great. Just what I needed, the Salvatore brothers as my dates."
Caroline and Matt also received invitations from unexpected admirers.
Caroline: "I can't believe it. Klaus invited me to the ball!"
Matt: "And I got an invitation too. But who would have sent it?"
At the elegant ball, Kymonyi learns of a horrifying plan that could lead to numerous deaths.
Kymonyi: "Guys, I overheard Klaus talking about his plan to kill all the vampires in town."
Damon: "What? We need to warn everyone!"
But Caroline discovers a side of Klaus no one would have suspected.
Caroline: "Wait guys, let me talk to Klaus first."
*Klaus appears*
Klaus: "Hello there Caroline. Enjoying the party?"
Caroline: "I am, but I have a question for you. Why did you invite all of us here?"
Klaus: "To show you that not all vampires are bad. We can coexist with humans if we just give each other a chance."
Finally, after an evening of violence and dashed hopes, Damon finds a new way to cope.
Damon: *sighs* "I just can't deal with all this drama anymore."
Elena: "What are you going to do now?"
Damon:"I think I'll try meditation or something. Maybe that will help me deal with all these emotions."

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