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(Kymonyi sits at the Mystic Grill with Tyler, as he nervously sips his drink)
Tyler: "I need to know more about the curse. Mason said you might be able to help me."
Kymonyi: "Mason shouldn't have involved you in this. It's dangerous."
Tyler: "I don't care about danger. I want answers. What's going on with my family?"
Kymonyi: "The Lockwoods made a deal with the devil centuries ago. They were granted immense power, but at a cost. Every time a Lockwood kills someone, they trigger the curse."
Tyler: "What kind of curse?"
Kymonyi: "It turns them into beasts on the full moon, like werewolves, but much more dangerous."
Tyler: "What does this have to do with me?"
Kymonyi: "You were bitten by one of these beasts. It triggered your dormant werewolf gene and activated it prematurely."
Tyler: "So how do I break the curse?"
Kymonyi: "There's no easy answer to that question. But if anyone can help you figure it out, it's my mother. She's a powerful witch and knows more about the supernatural world than anyone else I know."
(Tyler nods appreciatively)
Tyler: "Thank you so much for telling me all of this Kymonyi. It means a lot."
(Kymonyi smiles)
Kymonyi: "Of course Tyler. Just remember, be careful who you trust in Mystic Falls."

Kymonyi: "Jeremy, you can't involve yourself in this. It's too risky."
Jeremy: "I know it's risky, but Damon needs my help. Katherine is dangerous."
Kymonyi: "But you're human. You could get hurt, or worse."
Jeremy: "I'll be careful. And Alaric will be there to watch over me."
Kymonyi: "Fine, but if anything happens to you..."
Jeremy: "I know, I know. You'll come after Damon and make him pay."
Kymonyi: "Exactly. Now go get ready. We'll handle things here while you're gone."
Meanwhile, Sheriff Forbes and Caroline are having a heart-to-heart conversation.
Caroline: "Mom, can I ask you something?"
Sheriff Forbes: "Of course, sweetie. What is it?"
Caroline: "How do you do it? How do you stay so strong even when things are tough?"
Sheriff Forbes: "It's not easy, Caroline. But I have to be strong for you and for our town."
Caroline: "I want to be strong like you someday."
Sheriff Forbes: "You already are, Caroline. You're the strongest person I know."
Bonnie bursts into the room with new information about Mason.
Bonnie: "Stefan! I found something out about Mason!"
Stefan: "What is it?"
Bonnie: "He's been working with Katherine all along. He knows where the moonstone is."
Damon overhears the conversation and interrupts.
Damon: "Then we need to pay Mason a visit and get that moonstone back before Katherine gets her hands on it."

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