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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes these chapters are based on and contain.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


The rain poured down on Metropolis. It was the predictive rainy season of the county. The water flooded the streets, making a car the only mode of transportation right out of the city. It made Tyla take in the comfort of working at the office in LuthorCorp with Chloe sitting right across from her. It was a relief seeing at the alternative would have been a risk to work in the basement of the Daily Planet. What they could do now is work to wait out the storm instead of worrying about the flooded water that would threaten to break the windows of the cluttered basement of the News building.

It was also an advantage to keep an eye on Lana except she was nowhere to be found in the building. In fact, no one was. "You brought the car, right? Maybe we can just go grab a drink instead," Chloe offered. 

Tyla looked up as she signed off from her computer. "Well, I could use some tea..." She said, causing her friend to look puzzled. Tyla realized that she wasn't there when she told Lex the news. Jimmy was the only one there but something nagged in the back of her mind that perhaps, Lex may have threatened the poor boy to not say anything. Least of all to Chloe. "I'm pregnant."

Chloe blinked. "I-uh...wow!" She was shocked, Tyla could tell. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you, I figured someone should know considering..." Friends out of the state knew. Lana was out of the question now that she was working closely with Lionel and Clark's friendship was dwindling steadily.

 "So, I guess you didn't tell Clark that you and Lex are expecting."

"Somehow, I don't think he would take it well," Tyla replied. "To be honest, I miss him, but he seems more distant than ever. You would think knowing a secret meant closeness."

"Yeah, but knowing him, it was about safety."

Tyla chuckled. "Knowing him, he might be right. I have the baby to think about." She turned off her computer and then got up, grabbing her things.

"Let's get out of here," Chloe suggested. "We have a lot to talk about and honestly, I feel like being alone here is just going to make things creepy and tense instead of celebratory." And with that, they walked on, crossing their arms together. Both, unaware of the water cooler stirring suspiciously.


The Daily Dish with Linda Lake


.... To be honest, I miss him, but he seems more distant than ever.

We all had those hunches about the senator's son and the once newly partner of LuthorCorp. It seemed very unlikely that the pair were simply close friends. Lex Luthor would have to watch out! The Smallville heartthrob seemed to have pulled the heartstrings of the lovely Tyla Luthor. As we recall last year, the two were seen often, sneaking during the campaign but denial, denial, the truth now comes out. "I don't think he would take it well," Luthor confided in an old friend which begs to wonder if Lex knows that there might be a possibility that the baby may not be his. Seems like seconds thoughts about the wedding became second thoughts about-

"Hey, Chloe!"

Chloe almost jumped at the sound of Clark's voice. She looked around the Talon nervously and then saw Clark walking right up to her. She was shaken, not visibly. But the morning's gossip column had just detailed her exact conversation with Tyla the night before. The words were twisting but if she had the paper, it was only a matter of time that she was in danger. Lex would not have taken this lightly. "Have you seen the Daily Planet this morning?" She asked as she quickly met with him in stride and then turned him away from the counter.

The Rise To Power; A Smallville Saga {Part 5 - Glass Heart}Where stories live. Discover now