[Newt] Flower Crowns [1]

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As Newt and I were aimlessly walking around, watching the gladers do their jobs, my eyes took notice of Zart walking around with flowers in his hands. It seems that Newt had also taken notice of those flowers as well because his eyes trailed from my face to Zart. He started to grin, which made me a bit worried about what he was about to say.

"Wanna be a kid for a bit, and steal Zart's flowers?" He spoke with a glimmer in his eyes.
I smiled at his happiness before replying,

"What are we supposed to do with those flowers after we steal them?" I raised a brow at him, curiousness filling me.
     "We could make flower crowns? Only if you want to, if you don't then it's perfectly fine- It's just that I thought it would be a fun way to bond and-"

"I would love to, Newt. Let's go before it gets too late." I exclaimed, cutting him off before he had the chance to continue nervously rambling on. From the corner of my eye, I saw him smile brightly. We made our way towards the gardens, making sure no one was there to witness us stealing flowers from the keeper. Once we made sure the coast was clear, we continued on with our plan.

Quietly, we creeped towards the shed that held seeds, hoes, shovels, just everything that you could possibly need for a garden, but at the center of the shed, I saw many freshly picked flowers laying down on a small wooden table.
They were breathtaking, and super colorful.

I turned to Newt with a lopsided smile forming on my face, he followed my actions by giving me a cheeky smile in return. I snatched the flowers quickly but carefully and ran out the door, with Newt trailing closely. We ran until we found a spot in the deadheads, placing all the flowers on the floor then sitting myself.

     Newt waited for me to get situated, then bent down to lay on the grass directly in front of me.
"Okay! Let's get started!!" I blurted out.
Newt noded in response, his focus already placed on the flowers. I looked down and grabbed a few flowers repeatedly twisting and tying them together, coordinating with colors that looked well with each other.
As both Newt and I were doing so, we made small conversation as we kept our focus on the flowers. After around 10 minutes, I raised the crown up, making sure it was durable.

"Okay! I'm done, how about you?" I shifted my line of vision towards the guy that I loved all so dearly. He didn't respond at first but soon exclaimed, "Alright! I'm done."

I scooted towards him and gently placed the crown on his head. Once I placed my hands down, signaling that I was finished, he raised his hands; the same way I did and placed the crown that he made for me on my head. As he stood up after placing the crown on my head, he began, "We should get going now, it's getting dark." he spoke to me softly.

    I nodded, starting to feel drowsy and made my way out of the deadheads, though I stopped so I could hold Newt's hand as we walked. Soon after the action, we began walking again passing by some of the other gladers that started to point us out to Zart. Zart's attention soon fell on to Newt and I as we walked towards our room.

I stared at Zart from a far, trying to see his reaction. Zart looked disappointed, but still at peace as he held a smile on his face shaking his head. I was at ease when I reached the room, and placed the crowns onto the dresser.

Finally getting undressed and ready for bed, I flopped on my bed and slowly felt unconsciousness take over. After Newt was ready to go to bed, he crawled under the sheet next to me when I felt his arms tightly hold me.

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