"Good morning, love"

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I kept shifting in my bed, not being able to sleep at night, every little sound keep me awake. Every single thought running through my mind, the loud sounds of the maze that can be heard at a distance,all the inhale and exhales, were loud and clear to me. I kept turning over and over, but nothing felt comfortable to me. Groaning, I turned to my back and just stared at the ceiling letting my thoughts take over. My thoughts kept going to y/n.
I wonder what y/n is doing right now...? Is she sleeping peacefully or is she having a hard time sleeping like me? I wonder how I got so lucky to have her, she so pretty and perfect.

Ugh, shuck it.
I groaned one more, lifting the blanket off me. I slowly made my way to the hallway, making sure I was quiet enough so no one would wake up. I made my way down the hallway until I found the room I was searching for.
Y/n's room.

I smiled, thankful no one was around to see the cheeky grin I had on my face. I placed my hand on the nob, and slowly turned the door open. I peeked inside the room, seeing the love of my life peacefully sleeping. I had a lazy smile on my face, as I reached her bed. I pulled the covers, only enough so I can sneak through, and laid down next to her, immediately feeling the warmth that radiated around her. As I got comfortable, I snaked my hands around her waist, and pulled her into my embrace; spooning her. Feeling her shift a little, I tensed but soon relaxed as she accepted my warmth. I smiled at her, sensing her chest move up and down, the only sign of her being alive. Her soft inhales and exhales, as well as her occasional half snore was the only thing I was focusing on at that moment.

My body laid still as I cuddled her, slowly feeling myself get drowsy. Y/n soon turned over and buried her face into my chest. I chuckle silently, and let my body finally rest for the night.

I woke up to y/n twisting and turning over, until she faced me. She slowly opened her eyes as she adjusted to the shining light that showed through the window "curtain." As he eyes gained focus, they widened.
"Newt!? What the shuck?? What are you doing here you slinthead!! You scared me!"
My eyesight was still adjusting, but I just smiled at her pretty face. I opened my eyes fully and groggily spoke, sleep laced within my voice.
"Oh, good morning love"
Her mouth just slightly hung open as I smiled at her. "Come on, it's still early... we still have around an hour until wake up." I told her, as I pulled her closer to me, snuggling her.

Newt and Minho One shots (X Reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora