2. Cute Little White Rabbit

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"What's wrong?"

Sensing something was wrong, Chen Yuzhe walked down from the podium and quickly checked the situation. His approach made Ji Yao dizzy. It was so close that she could smell the laundry detergent on his body at this moment.

She mumbled her head and said, "The stool almost didn't sit properly."

"That's good."

Chen Yuzhe breathed a sigh of relief, but looked at Lin Rao behind Ji Yao, his eyes flashed with impatience. He really had nothing to do with Lin Rao's style, and his parents didn't care.

Lin Rao also looked at Chen Yuzhe with great interest at this time, his eyes were full of provocation, as if he had decided that Chen Yuzhe couldn't do anything about him, but the fact was that Lin Rao had a special status, so he really couldn't say anything.

Seeing the teacher leaving silently, Ji Yao pursued his lips, Lin Rao stood up on purpose, and leaned very close, "Ji Yao, do you like Teacher Chen?"

He used an affirmative tone, Ji Yao was startled, his thin body trembled, his almond eyes seemed to burst into tears, Lin Rao became more excited, and his tone jumped.


"No need to deny it."

Ji Yao cleaned his hands tightly, looking straight at Lin Rao, but the young man greeted him without showing any weakness, his eyes were so hot that he wanted to swallow her up, and the courage that Ji Yao managed to muster finally burst the balloon Same, immediately discouraged.

She wanted to comfort herself, pretending nothing happened, but Lin Rao didn't let her go so easily.

"I saw your diary."

In the last class, a small note was thrown behind him, with only one sentence on it, but Ji Yao was shocked.

She was irritated, and turned around to look at Lin Rao. There seemed to be flames in her eyes.

"Forgot to tell you, I took a picture."

In an instant, Ji Yao's face turned pale. She had the appearance of a well-behaved little white rabbit, so looking at her like this made people feel pity.

Lin Rao was the complete opposite, he really loved Ji Yao's appearance, as if he could crush her to death with a light pinch, but how could he be willing to do so! It's rare to meet someone who likes him so much .

"Do you think I'll tell anyone?"

He laughed, full of teasing meaning, and pointed at Ji Yao's notebook in the table hole provocatively.

"Student Ji doesn't say anything, does that mean it's the default?"

Lin Rao looked straight at Ji Yao, she was lowering her head, as if she had fallen into a long silence, the bangs on her forehead concealed all her emotions.

She stretched her body, and Lin Rao could tell at a glance that she was holding on, and said without hesitation, "Ji Yao, let me say this for the last time, if you don't open your mouth, I will let everyone appreciate it together."

And Ji Yao, who was hanging her head down, was already so frightened that she didn't know what to do. She had never had any contact with someone like Lin Rao, so she didn't know whether he was joking or it was true.

But is it necessary for him to make such an unhealthy joke with himself?

Ji Yao said in a daze, "Can you delete the photo?"

She spoke tentatively, her voice was soft, making people want to bully her.

"You said delete it, delete it, don't you need to pay anything?"

Ji Yao hurriedly took out his wallet, handed it up, and looked at Lin Rao expectantly, thinking that this was all his money.

Unexpectedly, Lin Rao's face turned cold, his eyes were cold, and he became more and more displeased with Ji Yao.

"What? Think you can buy me off with these?"

"That's all I have."

That's right, Ji Yao usually doesn't have any pocket money, Lin Rao didn't expect that he, Lin Shao, who is a dignified man, would actually be paid out with dozens of dollars to spend.

"not enough."

He threw the wallet into Ji Yao's arms, turned over and prepared to leave through the back door.

Ji Yao was stunned, not understanding Lin Rao's meaning, and heard him say, "Think carefully about how to ask me."

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