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150 ABY

Kro Var

Eternal Master and Shaper Avila called out Joey out telepathically after his 'Fun' with Aegis.

"Padawan Kirkpatrick. Time to continue your training." Avila commanded.

The early Shapers of Kro Var occupied the roles of "battle shamans" for their clans. They were considered superstitious, as well as brash and bold when demonstrating their power to others. Another characteristic of the Shapers was their distrust of both technology, and also Force power that were unseen, such as telepathy. Individuals demonstrating aptitude for such talents on Kro Var were persecuted as witches and warlocks. They remained largely suspicious of outsiders, particularly Force users with those unseen powers, though those attitudes did slowly change.

Avila tapped her staff blade downward in summoning her Padawan.

The powers wielded by the Shapers of Kro Var were largely focused into warfare. In battle, they utilized elemental powers that harnessed elements of nature such as earth, air, water, and fire against their enemies. They were considered aggressive and suspicious, which led to their initial hostilities with the Jedi. Shapers often specialized in a particular element, such as fire, but Master Shapers could wield many or all of them. Shapers tended to take the philosophy involved with their element of study and apply it to the battlefield; for example, a Shaper specializing in air was expected to be mobile in combat.

Joey comes to his master with Aegis and continues his training with the Shapers of of Kro Var on planet Kro Var.

Joey: Howdy there!

Avila smiles and waves and goes straight to business. Summons water and makes it into a Orb through the Force.

Avila: You ready, Padawan?

Joey: Absolutely!

Avila smirks. "Ok. Here we go." Avila Force throws the Water Orb at Joey hoping he'll catch it.

Joey then tries to catch it but is too late and he takes a water ball to the face.

Avila summons another water Orb through the Force. "Try again. Focus my Padawan." Avila slowly Force Throws her orb of Water at Joey again. Hoping he'll catch it.

Joey then catches it and throws it back causing him to laugh.

Avila catches the orb and smiles warmly. "Good job Padawan."

Joey: Thank you.

Avila bows her head to Aegis. "A pleasure to meet you."

Aegis: Likewise.

Avila: We shall continue this lesson of the elements later Padawan. Excellent work today. Your Great Trial is coming together.

Joey: Thank you.

Avila: Anytime, Padawan Kirkpatrick.

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