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Lucy was brushing her short brown hair, that's when she heard the noise she dreaded. The front door. Her older brother had called his friends over, and she despised one in particular. 

John  was 16, the same age as her brother Tyler. He had one of those haircuts all those "Tiktok e-boys" had, his only quality was that he had abs really, but somehow every girl constantly acted like he was the next coming of Jesus or something.  He had dirty blond hair and green eyes, he was 6'4,  and was an Alpha. My brother Tyler was just a bit shorter than, he had a black buzz cut. He was cubby in comparison to Tyler but honestly had a slim and lean figure to. John loved calling her "nicknames" to tease me. His favorite was "Princess". 

She walked down the the stairs and gave him a cold stare, the second he saw her a smirk came across his face. "Princess, long time no see?" He said in flirty tone. "Just shut up" She crossed her arms and went to the kitchen, he continued smirking as she walked, he knew him flirting with her pissed me off but he enjoyed pissing her off. She had a massive headache and felt pain all through her body today, specially near between my legs, she wasn't in the mood for his bullcrap. 

Lucy's older brother despite  being an Beta had many Alpha friends, John, Kyle, James and a few others were at the party. John was probably the strongest Alpha out of all of them. Alpha's have more mixed stats compared to Betas and omegas. Some Alpha's  are stronger and have better pheromone detection, other have them weaker. John had incredibly strong senses. He was considered the "Alpha Alpha" of the school, "Hot" , "Strong" , "Washboard abs" , "Charming" , "Ladies - man" are some of the words fellow omega's in her school have said about him.

 Lucy personally didn't get it, maybe it's because she grew up with him? He and her brother have been friends since kindergarten, she had saw him through it all, the ugly phase, the anime phase, so now that he's the "Hot" boy, maybe she just find it hard to believe. 

She went to the kitchen, and filled a WHOLE 5 liter water bottle and drank it in 5 MINUTES. Lucy had a horrible headache, Suddenly she fell a sharp pain in my pussy, She fell to the ground and closed my eyes, She was suddenly in excruciating pain. She couldn't understand what was happening, for the past 3 days, Lucy had a horrible headache, since today  her pussy had been paining and now it felt like it was on FIRE. She almost started to cry. not being able to understand what was happening, then she realized. "Was this my first heat?" 

The first Heat | Omega verse | Smutt | 18+Where stories live. Discover now