Growing up?

46 17 23

It started with a "I've got plans, maybe later" and progressed into a void of silence and led to frequent absences, and that's how two souls that were the closest of friends drifted apart into mere strangers....

"That's sad," you say but what's worse is when I sit around like a fool reminiscing about the all the memories, good and bad;
while you go round the city creating new ones.
Is it pathetic if I stay in my room smiling at all those stupid pictures that occupy half my gallery while you click new ones with your friends and partners ?

"Stop being overdramatic and grow up," they say.

But ohh darling, if growing up is watching all my friends fade into mere memories of some people I used to know, I'd rather be thirteen for the rest of my life.


AN : Just felt like being a teensy bit of a drama queen but wouldn't argue that in reality, it's the harsh truth we often disguise as humor.....

Don't forget to let me know what part you liked the most....

Peace out ✌🏼

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