Misery is the only Salvation

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Go ahead and break my heart, leave me to pick the shards;
But there's relief in retribution and misery is the only salvation.

So you can hit me, tear me apart, shatter every peice of happiness that I had;
But there's relief in retribution and misery is the only salvation.

So light me up, laugh while you watch me burn;
But there's relief in retribution and misery is the only salvation.

So go ahead and leave me alone, turn all my people against me, paint me to be the villan;
But there's relief in retribution and misery is the only salvation.

So if you think you played me, left me broken and unmendend; darling please, you just did me a favour;
Because there's relief in retribution and misery is the only salvation.

But who would settle for salvation when the allure for satisfaction is just around the corner?
So, my darling, get ready to burn for I'm just getting started, fuelled by the fire for justice won't stop till I've torn you from within because there's there's relief in retribution and misery is the only salvation.

Retribution may bring relief and misery could be the only salvation but There's no drug sweeter than satisfaction.


AN: A bit different from what I write regularly so all sorts of feedback is deeply appreciated ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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