Just Let Me Heal You

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They say a kiss would heal a wound,
No matter how deep it runs,
but unfortunately
I can't kiss your brain;
so I'll smear your head with my lips,
I'll kiss your forehead
every time we meet in hopes that
one of those finally sink in through your cranium and fix whatever broken part of your brain that made you think that
HE was a good decision;
whatever damaged peice that made you believe that
you aren't good enough,
whatever rotten corner made you believe that,
you wouldn't be enough;
maybe the kiss will overpower
all the anguished voices in your head pulling you down,
just maybe one of them might sink in and help you think clearer,
help you see that you've always been wonderful
just as any other human or invention there might have always been
room for improvement and
probably will never be filled,
but that doesn't deter the value
You hold.
Maybe it'll finally Awaken the fragment which will allow you to see yourself as a better version.

So, darling just stay strong and let me heal you,
Let me put together all those broken pieces,
Let me bottle your tears and tell you that it'll all be okay,
Let me judge you on all the stupid ass decisions you make with
surprising confidence,
Just let me in and I'll never leave.
I know you believe that someday when life's a bit more difficult and both of us a bit more busier, I'll drift away and leave you behind,
I know you wish you didn't but some part of you can't stop thinking I'd leave....
So, to be true to my daramtic self,
I write you a poem,
So that everytime you feel alone,
You can read this and know that I'd be there for you;
I write this poem,
So that everytime I don't pick up your calls you can read this and try not to cuss at me, knowing that I'm an absolute angel ;)
I write this poem,
So that every time,
you don't feel like talking
you can read this and
know in your heart that you'll never be alone.

Let this be a reminder that no matter how big of a mess there is,
I'll help you clean it up,of course I'll constantly spell out your idiotic actions and
be a smug bastard but I'll pick up the pieces with you.
Let this be a reminder that I'm there for you even though I constantly ditch our plans and don't always call,
Let this be a reminder that no matter what the hypothetical situation is
I'll never betray you
because that's not what friends do.


AN: This started as a insulting paragraph I wanted to send to my best friend but then I ended up adding good stuff into it coz I'm feeling a bit diva....
*sheepish neck rub*
So yeah, that's it......

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