Of Flames And Embers

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Flickering and creeping low,
It all starts with a tiny glow;
A pettie neglected spark makes way for a humongous flare;
With time and the gentle caress of dry leaves the winds offers,
It swells into a thumping inferno which devours the very essesnce of life from the once thriving ranch of blooms;

Slithering from one vine to the next and climbing up timbers after another, it conquers the land;
The smallest of fires which could either give warmth and feed hungry mouths or maybe devour the sinners and innocents alike in it's wrath irregarding the several human basis of discrimination,

Oh, yes there is a strange beauty in that speck of fire which could maim and kill but also gaurd and nourish;

With smoke in my lungs and ash on my tongue, I couldn't help but fall docile to the hazardous beauty of the raging flames;

Standing on the churned pavement, I couldn't help but be betwitched by
The alluring beauty of the embers which burned me to the ground;

Was it the flicker of red, orange and yellow that forbidded me from running away, or perhaps it was the mesmerizing waltz of these flames with colours converging into a vibrant array in their dance to reach higher that held me captiveor was it the enticiting taste of burnt air that I found myself addicted to.............?


AN: A bit out of my element but I kinda liked it.... there's more to it but I thought it could get boring for the readers •∆•

Peace out ✌🏼

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