Chapter 2: A Long Lost Dream

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"Yikes! That's a big scar," said Jamal with a disgusted look on his face.

" Half of my respiratory system was destroyed and I lost my whole stomach. I've had multiple surgeries and complications to the point where I can only be a hero for around three hours a day," said All Might while showing his scar by lifting his shirt.

" That explains why you look like a skeleton."

" Hey! I have feelings, you know!"

All Might further explained that he hadn't made his condition public and asked Jamal to please keep it a secret as well.

" I'm ashamed that a big fan of mine has seen me in this state," said All Might, walking towards Jamal.

" A-actually. I'm a big fan of Edgeshot," laughed Jamal nervously."

" Eh!? W-well of course everyone has their favorite hero. Anyways, I have to go take this villain to the police. Take care and please keep this a secret young man."

As All Might was walking to the rooftop stairs, Jamal grabbed All Might's shirt and stopped him. All Might looked behind him confused and saw Jamal's face sweating like crazy.

" What is it, young man? I'm in a hurry," said All Might trying to free his shirt from Jamal's grasp.

" Um... Can I? Can I... get your autograph?" asked Jamal in a monotone voice as if he wasn't excited about getting an autograph. Almost like he was forced by someone to ask for one.

" S-sure," said All Might before signing a notebook Jamal took out from his backpack.

All Might signed the notebook and headed down the stairs of the building.

' That's not what I wanted to ask,' thought Jamal looking down at the signed autograph.

As All Might was walking downstairs, he checked to see how the villain was holding up but realized it was missing. He looked out the window next to the stairs and heard explosions. A big cloud of smoke was coming from inside the city. He rushed over to the scene in his weakened state and saw the sludge villain wreaking havoc with heroes already fighting the villain with civilians watching. Jamal came down the stairs later after All Might and looked depressed even though he met the number one hero. It looked like something was eating at him. As he was walking back on his route back home, he heard an explosion and saw a bunch of people gathered in front of an alleyway.

' What the hell was that,' thought Jamal walking towards the group. ' WHAT THE!'

Jamal saw the same sludge villain that All Might defeated before and was confused at why and how it was there. Jamal listened to the conversations of the crowd and heard that the villain had a hostage and the heroes were having a hard time trying to save them.

' Shit! Shit! Shit! Did All Might drop the villain when he flew me to the building? That's the only logical explanation. This is my fault. No, All might showed me that weakened state of his. If he just did it in a hidden alleyway or something I would have never seen it which means this situation doesn't happen. Right? He should be cleaning up this mess he created. Where is he?' thought Jamal looking around frantically.

Jamal started looking around for All Might or the skeleton version of him and saw him peeking behind a wall while holding his stomach where his scar was.

' What are you doing!? Don't tell me he's used up his three hours already,' thought Jamal with a shocked look on his face.

As Jamal was looking at an unaware All Might with a shocked look on his face, he heard a loud voice he was far too familiar with in a negative way.

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