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Six Months Later

I close my eyes as another moan rings out through the thin walls of the apartment. I rest my head against the shower's wet tiles, lukewarm water beating down my back. A door slamming followed by multiple voices has me shutting the water off and stepping out to quickly dry and dress.

The last month and a half I've been here, living with four roommates. I was able to be on my own for the first two months, staying in dodgy motels and living off of ramen and the bare necessities. When my cash started running low, I decided to try working for money. I was seventeen after all and able to legally work. That plan was shot to shit when a week later Billy walked into my place of employment and I had to run out the back. I packed up everything I had and ran. Chose a new town, got myself a new name and a new gig.

Apparently I underestimated Billy's reach because a PI found where I was. Luckily for me the guy was laid back and since I was eighteen by the time he found me, he let me walk with a thirty minute head start before making a call to his employer, aka Billy. By the end of the day I was a new person again looking for a brand new start in another city.

I hopped around a while, taking up two more name changes until I got tired of running. I found work here in Sand's City at a bar called The Snake Den. Granted, it was a rougher place but no one asked questions and they knew how to keep their mouths shut if someone came poking around. After crashing at a hotel for a week I picked up the local newspaper and found a promising ad for a roommate. When I showed up and saw my fellow roomies were all guys I almost bailed.

But a thinning stash of money and two of three roommate ads already turning out to be a bust, I jumped on it.

I keep to myself, working and saving up my money. They keep to themselves, screwing anything they can and going off to, well, wherever it is they go. First thing I did was install five locks on my bedroom door and planned an escape route. I wasn't taking any chances.

I step out of the bathroom as I towel dry my hair and I bump into a chest. Looking up I see it's Grant, a silent giant. His brown hair is tousled, like always, and his brown eyes are intense as he looks me over. He's twice my size but, for some reason, he's never instilled fear in me, only calm. When his hand lands on my shoulder to steady me a smirk crawls over his face.

"Watch where you're going." His deep voice rolls over me in the small space of the hall.

Rolling my eyes I open my mouth to say something but Kent ambles up behind him to throw his arm over Grant's shoulders. Where Grant is silent and calm his twin is loud and abrupt. It gives the age old adage that twins are polar opposites some serious weight.

Kent is the same height as Grant but he's leaner, his body more defined. The only reason I know this is because he's constantly walking around with only sweats or shorts on when he's home. Something about he can't keep his beauty hidden in his own home. His hair is slightly shorter on the sides and left long on the top so he can style it to look messy. Unlike Grant's intense, dark brown eyes Kent's are a light hazel with flecks of green and gold.

"Hell, I wish I would have known you were showering, Kara. I could have joined you and saved some water." Kent winks at me as he uses his free hand to rub a thumb over his bottom lip.

When he grunts, bending away from Grant I can't help the small giggle that escapes. Grant shoots me a wink, so unlike his brother's since it's with me and not at me.

"We've got dinner ready, come eat with us." Grant says over his shoulder since he's shoving Kent away from me and back to the living room.

I debate, some real food over my cup of noodles would be nice. I use my own money to buy my food, along with other things I need like hygiene items, clothes and so on. Since I also help pay for rent, which isn't that much between the five of us, on my already limited funds it can be tough. A small, happy smile curves my lips as I make my way to my room.

In Their ArmsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora