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I’m man enough to admit it.

I'm jealous.

Watching Kara work night after night is intoxicating. She's sweet, funny and gets along easily with all of her tables. She's filled out since she's been eating with us the last few weeks. Her skin looks healthier and she's not constantly hiding herself away in her room. She comes out to watch TV with us and I've noticed we're all home more often.

She's a ray of sunshine and we're all starved flowers.

I've also noticed the way other guys look at her while she's working. Some try to hold her hand, or come on to her with cheesy pick up lines. I've saved her once or twice, as have the guys, by acting like her boyfriend. She slumps with relief when we show up. But every now and then some asshole puts his hands on her and she completely stiffens and her face shuts down. Those guys usually leave the parking lot with at least one broken bone or a black eye, occasionally both.

You don't touch what's ours.

And she is ours.

We've all come to the same conclusion with her but for different reasons.

Tyler is in love with her but he's too terrified to completely give himself over. With his past, it's not surprising.

Grant is obsessed with her. He watches her all the time. If she's in the same room as him, he's analyzing her every move and predicting what she needs before she knows she needs it.

Holland gets to have his control with her but she's also not afraid to push him back. If she's in a giving mood, she goes along with him but if she doesn't want to, it's like fireworks. He needs those small nudges that test him, it keeps him engaged.

As for me, I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her. I don't think I've ever loved anyone. It's not that I've never had the opportunity but no one has ever made me want to even try. Many are selfish but with her, she shows she cares and pays attention in small ways.

If Holls is with us, she bypasses the elevator and takes the stairs. Grant grunted that his chair was uncomfortable one night, just trying to get her to invite him to sit on the sofa, so the next day we came home to there being new throw pillows and blankets. She'd blushed and said it was to make sure everyone was comfortable in the living room.

She holds Tyler's hand on the sofa but never forces him. She waits with her hand, palm up, on her leg so that he makes the first move. Like she knows he can't be cornered.

And as for me, she always makes sure I have my snacks for our movie time. She knows that my favorite thing is kettle corn with peanut butter candies mixed in.

I've dated girls for longer than I've known her and they've never paid attention like that.


She looks over at me and shoots me a smile and a small wave. I go to return the gesture but suddenly my view of her is cut off.

Hannah, one of the other servers, stands in front of me. Her lipstick is freshly applied and her shirt is so deep the edge of her bra is sticking out over the collar. She leans down into my space so I shuffle further back in the round booth we always sit in. She mistakes it as an invitation and slides her knee on the cushion.

“Hey, Kent. Where are the others tonight?”

“Hey, I think they'll be here soon.” I keep it short but polite.

Her fake laugh grinds on my nerves as she grabs my arm. Her nails sink into my skin and she licks her lips at me, making me uncomfortable. I try to wriggle my arm away from her but she holds it tighter. I can't help the way my lip curls and I'm about to snap at her when the table jostles.

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