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The house is quiet so I tip toe downstairs. I heard my mom and Billy come in over three hours ago so hopefully they're asleep. Or at least in their room.

We've been here for a few months now and something about how he's been looking at me lately rubs me wrong. I can't even say anything about it to my mom because she's so obviously smitten with him.

I wait at the bottom of the steps to make sure I don't hear anything before continuing to the kitchen. I go to the fridge first and grab a bottle of yahoo. Softly setting it on the counter I head to the pantry for a pack of powdered donuts.

It's as I'm reaching up to grab them that suddenly someone is behind me. Hands land on my hips and pull me back against a hard chest. I can feel something pressing into my lower back as breath slides across my neck, followed by something scratchy.

“I knew my patience would pay off, Dawn. You’re always slipping about but I still see you.” Billy’s words have chills breaking out over my skin and the acidic taste of bile crawling up the back of my throat.

“Let me go.” My voice trembles as I try to push his hands off my hips.

“Oh, come on. You don’t mean that, sweetie.”

“I do. Let me go or I’ll tell my mother.”

His hands tighten so hard, I let out a whimper of pain.  Suddenly, I’m thrown into the pantry shelves. One hits my chest, knocking the wind out of me. I lift my hands to try and push back against Billy’s force. He uses my distraction to flip me so that we’re face to face.

“You little bitch. I give you and your mother everything and all I want is a sample. I see the boys looking at you, how they fucking follow you around and send you shit on your phone.”

I swing my hand at his face but he’s ready, catching me mid swing. I try my other hand but I’m no match for a man twice my size. He’s got my hands pinned above my head in seconds with one of his own. He begins to grope my chest with his free hand.

“These fucking tits are perfect, not sagging like your momma’s are. Gravity’s a bitch, isn’t it?” He laughs.
I try to squirm away from him but no matter what I do, I can’t break his hold on me.

“Get off!” I yell.

My head rocks to the side with the force of his slap.

“Shut the fuck up.” Rage contorts his face before he slams me down on the ground.

I buck, kick and at one point even bite him but he manages to tie my hands behind my back with something. My breathing is heavy as he sits on me.

“You’ve got me so damn hard, Dawn. We’ll start off slow, I won’t fuck you tonight but I’ll be damned if I don’t taste you.”

I scream as loud as I can.

His hand slaps over my mouth. He uses the leverage to pull my neck back until I think it’s going to snap. Tears blur my vision as it gets harder and harder for me to breathe.

“You don’t have to be conscious for this, Dawn. Either way, I’m going to get what I want from you tonight. I’ve been patient, I’ve been good, but I will own you just like I own your momma.” He leans down so that he can whisper right in my ear. “The only reason I brought that washed up bitch into my house is so that I could get to you. I don’t give two shits about her. She’s simply a means to an end.”

I scream against his hand as he moves down to my sleep shorts. Time seems to slow down as his hand moves up my legs to a place I’ve never let anyone go. I thrash and buck but it’s no use.

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