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This last week Kara has been happier. 

She smiles more, has joined us for dinner each night and hasn't once turned us down for rides home from work. 

I'm glad because it's saved me the time of following her on her walks home like a full on stalker. I would never allow her to walk alone on these streets at three am. 

I'm an assbole at the best of times, and granted the rift between us was my fault, but it was a no brainer for me. 

Plus, she's managed to get under my skin. Something I thought would never happen again. 

I thought hurting her would push her away but it made me feel like shit, fight with the guys and drink even more. Something else she's managed to change. Since the night I hurt her, I haven't had any alcohol. It's tough, especially when memories get too loud but I'm suffering through them. 

“Tyler?” Her voice breaks through my rampant thoughts, soothing me. 

I look at her and raise my brow since I don't trust myself to speak. 

“Um,” She shuffles in my bedroom doorway, her feet respectfully planted in the hallway. “I was wondering if maybe you could drive me to the store? The other guys aren't home and I'm not up to walking right now. I'll pay you gas money!” 

She nearly yells the last part because I've turned away to search for my keys. 

“No.” I grunt out, annoyed that she'd even insult me by offering to pay for gas. 

“Oh, um. Okay.” Her tone is dejected which makes me frown. 

I find my keys and turn to see her door shutting. Confused, I head to her door and knock. 

“Did you need to change?” I ask. 

Her door cracks open and her beautiful green eyes are watery as she peeks up at me. 

“What the fuck?” I snarl, just stopping her as she tries to close the door. “ Why do you look like you want to cry?”

“I don't. I'll just wait for one of the others to get home. I didn't mean to bother you.”

“You’re not?” She must hear the confusion in my voice which somehow makes her look confused. 

“You said no.”

“Because you're not paying me for gas, Kara. What kinda shit is that?”

“I was trying to be nice, Tyler.”

“Well, I appreciate it but don't. Not to any of us. Now, come on. I got my keys, angel.” The endearment slips out but I can't find it in me to take it back. 

“You’ll take me?”

“I’ll take you to the store and wherever else you want to go, Kara. Now get that ass moving.” 

“O-okay. Let me get my purse.” She backs away from the door and me being the nosey bastard that I am, I open in further.

I take in the small space. It’s small, the smallest room in the apartment by far since it’s technically a ‘mini office’ on the listing. Kent listed the room as a joke to piss Holland and I off but when Kara came in, all doe eyes and terrified of every noise we figured if she took it at least we wouldn’t hurt her. She’d immediately installed locks on the door to our collective enjoyment and support. 

Her bed is perched on a boxspring that sits directly on the floor with a small tv stand beside it and dresser with a TV perch across the room. She’s added some decor on the wall and the space smells like her, soft lavender. You can’t even smell the litter box she has hidden in the far corner. It’s artfully covered with a plant wall she found at the thrift shop. Arti’s toys are all over the room while the cat herself is stretched out on Kara’s bed like she owns it.

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