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“I don't think that top looks right. Try this one instead.” Fin tosses a shirt over at me as she sits in the corner of my fitting room stall.

We're actually at the mall shopping for some clothes instead of at the thrift shop. Work has been going really well the last few days and I'm treating myself today to brand new clothes.

“That’s the one.” Fin nods as she looks over me in a  friendly but clinical way as she taps her nail against her lip. “You need a pair of black sandals. We can check that shoe store we passed on the way here, they had a fifty percent off sign.”

I try on a pair of cut off shorts next and I fall in love with the combo. The shirt I have on, that got Fin’s approval, is a deep purple that's semi low cut. It does wonders for my chest and it's loose around my stomach and hips which will make it perfect for working long hours at the bar. I don't like skin right clothes. The shorts are black that hit mid thigh and have strings hanging down randomly.

“I want to see if they have any tennis shoes too. Sandals won't cut it at work.” I tell Fin as I get my own clothes back on.

I have two other pairs of shorts that are a dark blue color and a faded light blue pair.

Fin nods along as she helps me grab all of the clothes we brought in with us. She hangs what I don't want on the small rack beside the main fitting room door and I keep what I want.

“I’m feeling a coffee after this.” She says as we make our way towards the shoes.

I nod as we start looking through. I see a black on black pair of tennis shoes that I snatch up. They're a half size too large but I try them on anyway. They fit well enough, just a little long in the toe area, and the price is where I want it to be. Fin shoves a pair of gold, strappy sandals at me. When I go to shake my head no she just stares at me until I sigh.

We both burst out laughing.

“Come on, I don't want to spend anymore money.” I grumble. Between her grandma's store and our recent shopping therapy sessions my wardrobe is looking good.

She smirks at me as I pass her to the register.

“So one of the girls I went to highschool with last year is throwing a giant ass party. Wanna go with me?”

“When is it? My day off this weekend is Saturday and I don't go in until six pm on Sunday.”

“It’s Friday, what time do you get off?”

“I don't know. I think one of the girls requested off so it's just me, Jasmine and Hannah.” I roll my eyes when I say Hannah's name.

She's been a bitch since I started but here lately it's like she's turning it up whenever I'm around. The second anyone else is near us though she's all perfect and sickeningly sweet. Especially if one of the guys come talk to me.

“Ugh, that bitch needs to be fired. She sucks at her job anyway.”

“I could only wish.”

“Well, if you get off around ten still come. I'll send you the details. They guys can come too, never too much eye candy at a party.”

Since I'm shopped out we part ways and not long after she sends me the party's details. Once back home I sort all of my new items and smile at the fact that my clothes are spilling out of my small dresser now.

I check the time and see I have to be at work in two hours. I give Atti kisses before I gather my clothes for work and head to the shower, even though I'll be taking another one when I get home.

Twenty minutes later I'm dressed in the new black cut offs and the purple shirt. I decide to try out my new tennis shoes as well. When I step out into the living room, Kent lets out a wolf whistle that has me blushing.

“Looking good, Kara. What's the special occasion? Hot date?” he says teasingly but his smirk melts down into a frown. “You don't have a date, right?”

“She better not have a date.” I hear mumbled from the direction of the kitchen which makes me frown.

“Why can't I have a date?”

“What? You're going to work? That's better, I'll take you.” Kent skips over and wraps me up in a hug, his arms muffling my repeated question.

I tickle him under his arms and he simply backs up and throws me over his shoulder.

“Holls, I need your keys, man! She's asking too many questions!”

“Kent!” I shriek as he turns in a circle, his laughter making me laugh as well.

“That’s a sight I don't mind.” Grant grumbles and I feel my face flush as I realize my shorts are pulled up pretty high.

“Kent, put me down!” I slap his back.

“Oh all right you party pooper.” He grips me right where my legs meet my but and slowly slides me down his body until my feet are back on the ground.

I breathe in deep and smell his citrus body wash. He grins down at me and wriggles his eyebrows. He lifts his hands suddenly and I can't help the small jerk away from him. He frowns, eyes narrowing slightly, and he slows his movements. Softly, he cups my cheeks in his hands and leans down so our foreheads touch.

“I’ll never hurt you, Cutie. I promise.”

My shoulders sag down and I lean into him.

His words make me feel safe and comfortable. When he presses a kiss to my forehead, I'm a puddle on the floor.

I gather myself and softly punch him in the stomach before pulling back. Grinning at him to try and cover up my sappy moment, I told my head and ask my question again.

“So why can't I date?”

I laugh at their groans of pain.

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