Kiss 2016

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About: Lee Taeyong x reader

Genere: Idol x fan, sad

Words: 2.3 k words

Song: 'Life goes on' by BTS

Taeyong took a sip of his champagne as he watched the woman walk in a flowy white wedding dress with a big smile on her face. He smiled back at her.

She looks breathtaking.

"How do I look?" She asks softly.

"Beautiful as always." He smiles. She smiles back.

"Shall we?" The male asked offering his arm covered in the dark blue fabric of his tux. She nodded taking the arm with her free hand other than the one which was holding the bouquet of orchids, her favorite. He remembered how much he had to do to arrange those bunch of flowers for her in this weather. He smiled at the small blush that crept her face not knowing if it was real or makeup.

He was reminded of the past as he walked the aisle with her, hand in hand.

It was the evening of a winter day in year 2016. He was sitting in the cafe trying to figure out lyrics for his new song. He saw a beautiful girl come up to his table with his cup of coffee.

"Your order, sir." She said calmly as she left to go back to counter. He thanked her before she left.

He lowered his mask for a bit to drink the coffee. The moment the liquid touched his tongue, he could feel himself melt at the taste. It was delicious.

Next day, he came to get the same coffee. He went to the counter and ordered the coffee. He waited at the usual seat. But this time coffee didn't feel the same. This one didn't taste as good as the last one.

He comes to the counter to complain.
He asks the person at the counter, "who made my coffee today?"

The person panics. "Did you not like it, sir?"

"It's good. But who made the coffee yesterday. It's different from yesterday?"

"Oh! Can I have your name sir?"

"Jeremy." That's the name he used as his alias in public places.

"One second, sir." The man fiddles with the keys of his computer.

"Yesterday, you came at 8 in the evening. That's why it had a different taste. We have a different worker at that time." He explains.

"Thanks." He says. He will come at 8 tomorrow, he notes in his mind.

The next day , the following day and so on, it went for more than 3 weeks before he again couldn't taste the delicious coffee. Every day for the past 3 weeks, he'd been coming to the cafe at 8 in the evening to taste the coffee. But today, again, the taste was gone. He didn't understand. He was here at 8 in the evening. It's should be the same worker. Why doesn't it taste the same?

He rings the bell for help. The same man on the counter came up to him and bowed.

"Can I help you sir?" He asked.

"Yes. Is the worker who prepares my coffee not here? I'm Jeremy." Hopefully he remembers.

"Ah...sorry sir. She's on a leave today."

"I see. Thank you." The idol smiles although he knows the man can't see him because of his mask.

For the next week, he couldn't taste the coffee. He decided to give up.

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