His other life.

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This is something new that I've tried. It was an idea suggested by a friend actually. So let's hope it works.

(A/n: It has nothing to do with the idol's real life or image)

About: S.coups x reader (svt)

Genre: Mystery, a little fluff, Mention of crime.

Words: 3.8k words

Song: 'Darkside' by Grandson

He was an introverted guy, with social anxiety and a lot of trust issues.

"Dr. Choi Seung-cheol?" He flinched at the loud voice of the Barista.

"Thank you." He muttered as he took the cup. He bowed and went back to his seat.

It's not like he didn't know how the world worked. He just didn't care.

He walked silently towards his cabin. He could hear the nurses and other female doctors talk about him, whispering things, as when walked past the corridor.

"Wow! He's so handsome."

"Really! He is so hot."

"Can you set me up with him?"

"It's not really possible."

"Why not?"

"He doesn't talk to anyone."

"Really? He looked like the friendly type."

"No he looks arrogant."

"Ugh, whatever. I'll deal with his arrogance if I get a boyfriend like him."

He was used to stuff being talked like that about him. Obviously, because he was handsome. He got that wherever he went. However, he was the kind of person who only minds his own business. He couldn't care less what other people thought of him. He thought people were useless.

He took a deep breath as he sat on his chair. His break was over and now he had to be ready for his upcoming surgery. As a well trained cardio surgeon , a coronary bypass was nothing for him. But dealing with people was the toughest. He always looked for the work where he had to talk the least. Unfortunately, even in surgery you have to talk to the nurses and residents. That's the least he could go without talking to people.

He took a deep breath before walking towards the operation theatre.


"How is she, Doctor?" The relative asked, desperately.

"The surgery was successful. She should be fine in a few days." The resident replied seeing that the head doctor only glared instead of answering.

Seung-cheol walked out quietly making the resident shake his head in defeat.

"Why is he so rude?" The older woman who was the patients relative asked.

"He doesn't talk much. I'm so sorry for his behaviour." The resident replied, walking away.


Seung-cheol took the smell in as he entered the library. He loved this place. Here, he could read in peace and no one would judge him for it. There were still some people who would whisper. But they weren't audible enough. It meant absolute peace for him.

He walked in his favourite section of books, crime section. He absolutely loved this genre. It showed the grave reality of human beings.

But for the first time, he saw a woman in this section. Before, people did take books from this section but it was never a woman. Women usually preferred the cringy romance books.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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