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chapter thirteen: the room where it happened

MALACHI ADDAMS FELT SOMETHING HE had never experienced in his seventeen years of living. Guilt. He had never needed to in the past, because everything bad he had ever done to anyone had been because they deserved it. But Amara Bennett didn't deserve the deception and the lies he and his sister continued to feed her, she wasn't one of those people.

Maybe, Kai thought, Maybe if I didn't care about her as much, it wouldn't hurt so bad. He had figured it was time to get over whatever silly feeling he held for the witch. It would never work out between them, he knew that.

He had talked to his father with Wednesday and been informed of what really happened that night. It appeared that, it wasn't Gomez who had murdered Ambrose Bennett, but Garett Gates himself, who was enraged in a fit of jealousy at Morticia's love for the Addams man. The Bennett Warlock was a beloved friend of Gomez, and stepped in front of Garrett to stop him from attacking his best friend.

But it appeared that, Ambrose was the one who would meet their demise that night. Not Gomez.

Malachi believed some parts to his father's story, but something about him was off. Weirder than usual. It appeared that the family man was leaving out some details, but the Addams twins didn't know why.

It didnt stop them from trying to persuade the Sheriff of their father's innocence, however. Yet, it seemed it was going to take more than a 'hunch' to persuade Tyler's father. Kai had to refrain an eye roll every time the man defied the two, as if he didn't already distain the Galpins enough.

Though, the second the Deputy had burst through the door with a pair of handcuffs, the twins soon regretted their visit. Malachi was arrested under Grevious Bodily Harm, for brutality attacking the two Normies — both of which's parents were pressing charges. They were only surprised it had happened so soon, with the attack only being the night before.

So, whilst two Addams family members sat in a cell together, Wednesday planned to seek out her mother and question her.

Amara didn't know how to feel. One the one hand, she felt betrayal from both of the twins. She couldn't believe they would keep something like this from her — her uncle had been murdered with an unsolved case, and they had known this whole time. But on the other hand, the girl believed that there was something missing from the story. Something that didn't add up.

So, she sought out the only Addams that still remained in the school.

It didn't take long for the Bennett Witch to find Morticia in the school library, watching as the woman stared ahead at the school pictures from her youth.

"You must've made a large impact on this school," Amara spoke up, catching the older woman's attention as she walked down the stairs. "Your in practically every photo in the school."

Morticia seemed surprised to see her, but smiled nonetheless. "Hello, Amara. It's nice to finally meet you."

The girl didn't think it was that nice, seeing as she had just found out about the woman's husband murdering her uncle, but she gave a small smile nonetheless.

The tension in the air became thick, causing Morticia to break the ice. "I assume you're a member of the Nightshades...?"

The witch shook her head."I rejected them months ago... they're nothing but a trivial social club for the rich kids of the school."

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