The Reunion part 2

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"So. Emilia you telling that I was here before?" Subaru ask.

He was curious. Randomly a beautiful girl said she know him and offers him a place to stay.

Maybe she just kind to him. She was a good person after all.

"Yes You was here before. You was here 2 year ago. You are my knight." Emilia answer to Subaru.

At Roswaal Mansion.

"Welcome back. Emilia-sam." The pink hair maid said.

"Oh my..." The maid said in disbelief.

"What wrong Nee-san...Oh my." The blue hair maid walk in and said in disbelief.

Few Minutes later. In the living room. Everyone take a seat and started conversation. Except Subaru. Subaru was wondering around the mansion.

"So Barusu don't remember anything?" The pink hair maid ask.

"Yes Ram. I found him in the capital. I ask few questions to confirm." Emilia answer.

"Rem hero." Rem whisper to herself.

"Rem hero. S-Subaru-kun. He back. This is Rem second chance to make thing right. This is my second chance to protect Subaru." Rem thought.

"Emilia-sama. How did Rem Hero comeback to life?" Rem ask.

"I don't know. Rem." Emilia answer.

"How did he come back to life? The was the same question I have." Emilia continue.

"Maybe Barusu can time travel." Ram said. Time travel is the only word come up in here mind.

What's else can do that? Barusu...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." A scream from another room. Cut Ram thought.

"Subaru-kun." Rem said in panic.

"Oh shit... That Loli was strong." Subaru said as he running into the living room.

A great spirits follow him to the living room.

"Betty need a explain. In fact." Beatrice the great spirits said.

"He is Subaru. Beako." Emilia answer to the great spirit.

"But he not the Subaru we know." Emilia said.

"He don't have any memories about us, he claims to be 17 year old." Emilia explain to Beatrice.

"He also have the witch scent. just like our Subaru." Rem add up.

"Witch? What?" Subaru ask in confusing face.

"Betty know about witch scent in fact." Beatrice Said.

"His witch scent is weakest than Betty contractor, Subaru." Beatrice add up to her word.

"Can someone explain to me please?" Subaru ask for explain.

He have no idea.

I'm was a knight?

I'm have a friend?

I'm make a contract?

I'm was strong?

I'm was here before?


How did I was here before?

Who summons me here?

Question continue to pop up in head.

"Subaru." Emilia gasps.

"I explain it to you later. Ram can you bring Subaru to his room." Emilia said.

"Wait I have a room?" Subaru confused even more.

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