Just wanted to check something.

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This is my new story. I hope you enjoy it. I only have one favor to ask. I'm going to write a few pages, then can you please comment on whether or not you enjoy it and if I should continue?

Okay that's all for now, thanks

Rachael xx


I walked along the school hallway, everyone scattered as my combat boots hit the floor. Thud thud thud.

I smirked as I raised my hand towards a student who whimpered away from me. Chicken. No one talked to me, they didn't even look my way, especially when I was facing them.

They were scarred, you could feel the vibe of their fear, coming out in waves. I stood where my locker was located and searched through it. Where the hell was my art folio? I turned around when I heard loud screeching laughter.

I just smiled my sweet smile. The one everyone was terrified of. When they saw this smile, they new shit was going to go down. And in this case, a certain girl will need to buy new hair extensions.

This probably seems all cliche. And it probably is. But here's my first victim of the day.

Brianna smith: flawless skin, long straight hair, due to those ridiculous extensions and hair straightner. Overly skinny to the point to which her hip bones look something like rhino horns. And not to mention her boobs which resemble pancakes. How the male population finds this attractive, I don't know.

Anyway, the reason as to why she is my first victim is because she stood there ripping out my beautiful drawings. There they lay scattered on the ground being treded on by baboon feet.

My teeth ground together as I stalked up to her with my closed fists by my side. "what the actual hell do you think you are doing, you pathetic skank?" I said, my tone calm. The students around me all gasped at my calm voice.

Brianna stood there. No longer laughing, instead she was on the floor in the corner crying, already. I didn't even do anything. She quickly slid my folio toward me, I picked it up. Only one drawing was left in there. Te rest were on the floor, dirt all over them.

I shook my head " you shouldn't have done that" I whispered. The just nodded her head, " stand up" I said.Brianna did as I said. " I'm sorry,I'm so sorry. My friends thought tht it would be funny. Please don't hurt me." she begged, I saw the honesty shine through her eyes. I nodded and picked all my drawings up.

Well I guess I can't do anything if she was just posing for her friends. After all, I knew where she was coming from. She just wanted to fit in..

I looked up everyone moved quickly to continue doing what they were doing. I smiled a rare smile and chuckled softly. This day was going to be interesting, I could feel it.


I was sitting in the lunch room when I heard a commotion. Laughter, thwack! Shout, grunt, thwack! Laughter again, BOOM!! The lunch room doors burst open as a student ran through with teachers running after him.

I've got to say, that is actually quite the show. The only other person to have teachers run after them was me, it was only ever me. I guess this was the new guy that everyone was talking about. And he was quite cute, better then cute, he was stunning!

I have no idea on who this lovely specimen is, but I will find out. He looked behind him, which is the first mistake. Seriously, doesn't he watch horror movies, where the girl, or in this case, guy, looks behind themselves to see if the chaser is still behind them and then the obvious part happens. They trip.

My shoulders shook as a chuckle left my lips. Poor guy. Because he seems like a nice person, and because I'm a lovely girl, I help him up and drag him through the next doors and take of down the hall in sprint. I took my spray can out of my bag and started to drawing my famous drawing on the school lockers. A skull with vines and a snake coming out of it.

"whoa.." I turned around startled. I forgot he was here. "that's amazing, do you draw alot?" he asked. I should stop calling him, him, guy, new kid, and so on. So like a normal person I asked "what your name?" "juan" he responded "and yours?" "skylar" Juan held his hand out. I played my hand in his, thinking he was going to shake it, but instead, he pulled me close and kissed me.

Asshole. I shoved him away and punched him, my fist hitting his jaw.

I smirked a girls smirk. He just grinned at me and stood up. "so they were true, you really are badass, nice right hook by the way" he complemented. I just stared at him with shock. He kissed me, because he wanted to see if something was true.

Don't get me wrong. I have kissed many boys in my 17 years. But I don't just go kissing them, I have to atleast know them for an hour. The boys just can't resist my charms.

"c'mon, we better get running if you don't want the teachers to catch you, what did you do?" I just had to know the answer. "I dacked a few teachers as I was walking through the hall" Juan replied. We both laughed as we ran out the school gates.

you're the bad boy. But im the badass girl. (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now