I hate people.

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This is the third chapter peeps.

I was thinking that maybe I should write a few more chapters and then see how the story is going

I hope you enjoy :)


The weekend was boring, like usual. While my 'family' was out enjoying themselves, I was at home cleaning the house up after them.

I'm like their own personal maid. They don't tell me to, but I do it anyway! Only because I enjoy living in a clean house.

My room is a tad messy. No one knows though, because if they went into my room, they will die. Not literally, but you get what I mean. Seriously though, who wants people marching into their rooms?

While I was cleaning the house I chucked on some music. Falling in reverse 'good girls,bad guys'

"so why do good girls like bad guys? I had this question for a real long time. I've been a bad boy and it's plain to see. So why do good girls fall in love with meeee?" I sang along shaking with hips and head banging.

I froze as I heard booming laughter coming from the door. Shit! THEY are back. I turned around slowly to see the 'family' holding their hands over their mouths. Their faces going red as they struggled to breathe.

Assholes, they think I'm funny. I'm not funny, do I seem funny to you?

"what's so fuuny?" I asked. "you seriously think you can dance?" tommy retaliated, as he tried doing a booty shake. I just stared then stormed out of the house. Their laughter following silently behind me, fading away as I got to the side walk.


I found myself at the park. It's been awhile since I've been here, I don't actually remember the last time I was here. The thought made my bottom lip tremble.

I slowly made my way to the swings and sat down on one. I kicked off, swinging my legs harder as I got higher. Feeling the wind flap and around my hair felt nice. I felt like a little girl again, back when everything was simple.

A I got to the high point I jumped off and landed on the balls of my feet making a light thumping noise. I stretched out my back. I walked over to the little park bench and sat down, bringing my knees up to my chest.

I stared at the ground until a balls came flying towards my head. "heads up!" someone shouted. But iw as to late! As I looked up the came flying into my face. Great, that's going to leave a nasty bruise. I could literally feel my my cheek swelling.

"crap, sorry. I didn't mean to hit you with the ball" the person apologized. "no it's okay, just watch where you kicking next time, yeah?" I said to them while holding my cheek hoping that the tingles would stop.

"oh yeah sure. Sorry!again." they replied. I finally looked up to see a girl with bright brown eyes. She looked kids worried. "No seriously no problem" I told her with a slight smile.

Loud laughter broke off our small talk. A bunch of girls from my school were here and picking on a another person from my school, I tried to see who it was, but the barbies were all standing in the way.

"hey I'm going To go and check on what they are doing" "yeah okay"

I walked over there ad pushed one I the girls out of the way. And not to nicely, it was more like a shove, a hard one at that.

On the ground, there was a girl who was a quite shy girl, I've seen her around, she doesn't talk much. I think her name was misty, no, Mikala. Yeah Mikala.

She was crying, blood was running from her nose, I was in shock, I thought that i was mean, but this, this was worse. These girls have broken Mikala.

"alright! Leave her alone bitches!" I shouted they all jumped an sprinted off. Not looking back. I held my hand out to Mikala, she raised a shaky hand and held on tightly, as if I was a life line. She looked up and gasped when she saw that it was me.

I gave her a real smile and she gave one back. "come on let's get you cleaned up Mikala" I whispered. "y-you kn-ow m-my name?" she stuttered. "yeah, I do" I grinned.

"you'll be surprised as to which I pay attention to. I'm not as bad as I seem, you know?" I told her. She just nodded.

We started walking off. Her clinging onto me as she limped. "you know what Skylar?" "hmmm?" "I HATE people" she said at loud, I laughed and soon she joined in.


That's the third chapter :)

New character!!

Just so you all know, I'm making this up as I go.

I tried showing that Skylar isn't that bad of a person, she can be really nice when she wants, or needs to be.

Thoughts on 'Mikala' ???

I will write the next chapter soon

Rachael xx

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