This is getting awkward

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So I've been getting a few comments saying that 'you're the bad boy, but I'm the bad ass girl' is quite enjoyable :)

So I'm writing another chapter, yay me! and yay you!

And today seb was meant to buy me sushi but he didn't, I almost cried because he left me emotionally vulnerable, but then he pinky promised me that next time he will but me sushi so now I'm okay :) :)

Read on and enjoy!!


It's currently Tuesday, three weeks after my birthday, it's been a long three weeks and it's hard to believe that Mikayla is a lesbian, that's right, a lesbian.

I guess I failed to mention how that happened, when it happened and why it happened, so let me begin with my birthday and work through the three, slow, embarrassing weeks.

**flash back**

It's Saturday morning, and honestly, I've been craving skittles. and no. I'm not pregnant.

Skittles are like... my life! I buy at least eight packets every weekend and they never last a full week, it's not healthy, I know.

There's just something about them that's just so addictive. it's probably the sugar though.

I failed to mention that today Is my birthday, my family has forgotten but my friends haven't, Juan and Mikayla are due to be here any moment and when they do the real party starts.

Right now I'm eating a packet of skittles, the sour ones, they are so much better than warheads!

I finish the packet and go to grab another one when I here Juan's mum pull up in the drive way, I give the full skittles packet a longing look and go to answer the door, as soon as I do three bags are thrown in my face while Juan and Mikayla yell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" in my ear, I grin as I look in the bags, you'll never believe what I got.

Go a head, guess, I bet you get it wrong.

Had your guess yet?

Okay you've twisted my arm, I'll tell you. In the three bags there were..... SKITTLES!! skittles I tell you, three bags full. None for the master and none for the dame, and none for the little boy who lives down the lane, why?

Because they are all mine!

For my birthday I got skittles, skittles galore. I'm only wondering how long they will last..

As you can tell skittles are my favourite sweets, can you blame me for my addiction?

After staring wide eyed in shock I burst out in laughter as I look to my two genius friends in bewilderment.
I cannot believe that they got me three bags full of skittles.

"Well do you like?" questioned Mikayla. "do I like? no!" Mikayla and Juan start to look sad and disappointed. " are you kidding? I absolutely love skittles!" I exclaim as I gather them both into a giant bear hug. We all laugh as we make our way into the lounge room where I have set up the Xbox with junk food littered around the coffee table.

As Juan and myself settle on the couch together I look over to Mikayla who almost looks angry and envious "Mikayla, why don't you sit down, there's room here next to me or there's the empty recliner next to you" I tell her giving her a confused look.

She nods and sits next to me, actually no, not next to me, half on me.
I move over a little just so I could breathe, Mikayla then put her hand on my thigh making me stop moving.

This was the first awkward moment between us, and hopefully the last.

But fate had other ideas.

For the next week at school, Mikayla had been following me around school like a lost puppy! it's getting the point where I just want to big a cooler and a leash and tie her to a post outside the school office. It is driving me insane, even Juan has noticed the difference in her, it's getting worried as well.

This leads me to the second week. I ignored more often she became more needy, she practically begged for my attention, whether it be her asking about homework, if her clothes looked okay, and to be honest, she was showing more boob, and at last, she found many ways to have physical contact with me.

The third and last week of her awkwardness lead to me blowing my gasket.

"Mikayla most you follow me every where I bloody go!? Is there something you need? do you really need All my attention and what the hell is your problem? you're really starting to piss me off and quite frankly you're starting to piss Juan off!!" I shout at her in the middle of the hall, students stop walking to their classes and stare at us in shock.

The last thing I knew, Mikayla grabs my face in her hands and smashes her lips to mine as she whispers " I love you"

** end of flash back**

I haven't spoken to her since then, I'm not sure I can.

This is getting awkward.


Surprise! Mikayla is a lesbian (I do not have anything against gay men, lesbians, or bi sexuals!!)

Thanks for ready and I hope that you are all happy with this chapter :) :)

you're the bad boy. But im the badass girl. (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now