Stupid people who dont have alarms

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Chapter 5 guys!!!!!

I'm actually happy that I've gotten into writing again, I hope that you'rehappy as well?

I noticed that I got more then 200 hundred reads! Thank you! Also a few chapters have been voted for :D

I didn't think that people really read my stories tbh. So thank you :)


Chapter 5

It's now 10:30pm and I have my accomplices. Juan and Mikala who has a black eye and swollen and split lips.

Tonight they are helping me to sabotage a girls bedrooms. I have spray paint at the ready and many other things... Like toilet paper...

Right now we are at Corey Andrews home, the first blonde bitch. ( I have nothing against blondes, I used to be one myself. I just feel like being cliche) she has a two story house and we are going through the back yard.

Her and her family aren't home, so it's going to make the mission easier.

We were creeping up the stairs when Mikala and I hear a spray can being used, Juan was drawing scribbles all up the hall.

He looked at us and shrugged his shoulders and we just laughed.

We searched upstairs so we could find Coreys room. And wow it was pink! And no, I don't mean just one shade of pink, it was all shades of pink. And it made me want to vomit rainbows. After all I had vegetable soup for dinner, I'm sure that red capsicum would clash with all the pink.

I grabbed the black spray paint and begun my work.

*Mikalas P.O.V*

To say that Skylar is a talented artist is an understatement. She .is.just. WOW! she spray painted a Chinese dragon across one of Coreys pink walls. The outlines were black while the rest was multi-coloured. It looked great.

Turning to look at Juan *sigh* I noticed that he was doing a lot of tagging. While they were doing that I was just standing here like a potato. Although I don't think that potatoes can stand. Or maybe they do...

I snapped out of my thinking state when a spray can was thrown at me. I grimaced and began my work. I made a bunny!

Skylar looked at me an laughed and I just laughed along with her. I kept looking at Juan secretly hoping that he would notice me, but he was only looking at Skylar.

A pang of jealously swam through me. If only someone would look at me like that.

We all stopped what we were doing when we saw headlights flash through Coreys bedroom window. We collected up our stuff and ran through the house to the back door.

We had only just made it through the back door when Corey an her family got through the front door. Which was just across the room.

Juan, Skylar and myself jumped over the back fence when we heard an annoying high pitched scream. Right then and there we knew that it would've been worth getting caught.

I think that I have finally found my place in the world, I belong with the wild ones.

And I know for sure that I don't belong with the stupid people who don't have alarms.

you're the bad boy. But im the badass girl. (On hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz