Would you like some tea?

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Chapter 6 


Within two weeks Juan, Mikala and myself have sabotaged many girls bedrooms, and we honestly think that they don't know who had done it. It was amusing.

It's not our fault that they don't have alarms in their houses.

It's currently lunch time, the food isn't that bad today, it's actually quite enjoyable. I'm sure that the lunch ladies use unicorn urine in some of their foods. There's just something in there that no one knows about.

I was leaving the lunch line with my pizza and custard tart when I was pushed in the shoulder which caused me to loose my grip on my meal, which led me to wearing the product instead of eating it.

To say that I'm mad is an understatement. The canteen area went quiet. The tension was thick. My food lay on the ground in one big mess and my anger was boiling.

I slowly lift my head with my eyes glaring straight in front of me. Corey Andrews stood There with a wicked gleam in he eyes.

I smiled my polite smile and walked away slowly to the girls bathroom to clean myself off. She'll get what's coming for her. There's been too many times when she done this, and i'm slowly losing my patience.

Mikala walked into the bathroom with a small laugh "you should have seen her face after you walked away, man it was funny. I swear she took a massive elephant poop in her panties" she cackles. I smile at her and shake my head, my hair falling in my face.

"hey Skylar?" Mikala chuckled. 

"yeah?" "what was it like getting all your piercings?" "it was a little painful, it's defiantly worth enduring the pain, because in the end it looks great" I smiled at her, "Mikala, I think that you should get your nose and tongue done" she nodded.

"anyway, we better get back to the canteen" she grumbled. 

Mikala walked ahead of me then walked straight to where Juan was flirting with some girl.I have to admit that I felt a little jealousy, he was close to being one of my best friends. Well I only really have two friends. but hey, who really needs friends?

I brought a hot tea, tea is nice, especially when it's english tea.

Then I got an evil idea. I wonder if Corey thirsty?

I paid for my drink and cat walked to where she was sitting with her 'BFFS' the girls who were facing me had eyes as large as saucers, it was quite the site.

I sat in the spare seat next to Corey and made myself at home. I noticed her freeze, as if she was waiting for me to strike.

She had fries on her plate so I ate them, then I drank her chocolate milkshake. It was nice, not enough chocolate though.

My tea sat there, just staring at me to be used. 'All in good time my precious' i thought wickedly.

"you know what I hate corey?" I asked her "whats that Skylar?" she whispered.

"I hate it when people break into my house and spray paint my walls. Even if they are an ugly colour like pink" a laugh escaped my lips as I watched her face spasm with anger.

"it was you, wasn't it?" she gritted out with her hands balling into fists. I also noticed the glare that were getting sent my way from her friends. Incase your wondering, we also broke into her friends houses and did the same thing, only with multiple other colours.

"why yes it was, but it wasn't just me you know" I smirked as she went to say something. I held up my hand to silence her.

She started to hyperventilate, good.

"oh dear, you look pale. Would you like some tea?" i asked her,pretending like I actually cared. She quickly nodded her head.

I lifted the cup and stood up as if I were going to walk away after I gave it to her.

And I gave it to her alright. The steaming hot water streamed down her hair and face and on to her lap, you could practically see her extensions melting. She screamed and stood up.

The canteen was silent again.

Corey looked up and gave me the worst glare anyone could give. But of you ask me she looked like a constipated ape with that look you get when a pie is thrown at your face.

She jumped at me and grabbed me by my hair.

Let the war begin biatch.

you're the bad boy. But im the badass girl. (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now