Skittles galore

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Wow I haven't updated in a while!!!

I apologize, I've been really busy with my year 12 VCE and let me tell you, IT IS DRAINING!!!

Anyways I've been thinking about this story and I was like hmmm I really should write more!?

As anyone who takes their time to read this story (and i thank you) should know, I make this up as I go and hope for the best, and not only that, I really don't have an update schedule.....

But Here's another chapter, hope you enjoy :) :)

Since that last incident with Corey people have been acting stranger around me, I'm not entirely sure if its because I've gained two new friends, or because they know what we are all capable of.

The principal too, has been disappointed, however, that is expected. I'm sure any adult would be highly disappointed if they found out that a couple of teenagers break into people's homes and vandalize them.


It's Saturday morning, and honestly, I've been craving skittles. and no. I'm not pregnant.

Skittles are like... my life! I buy at least eight packets every weekend and they never last a full week, it's not healthy, I know.

There's just something about them that's just so addictive. it's probably the sugar though.

I failed to mention that today Is my birthday, my family has forgotten but my friends haven't, Juan and Mikayla are due to be here any moment and when they do the real party starts.

Right now I'm eating a packet of skittles, the sour ones, they are so much better than warheads!

I finish the packet and go to grab another one when I here Juan's mum pull up in the drive way, I give the full skittles packet a longing look and go to answer the door, as soon as I do three bags are thrown in my face while Juan and Mikayla yell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" in my ear, I grin as I look in the bags, you'll never believe what I got.

Go a head, guess, I bet you get it wrong.

Had your guess yet?

Okay you've twisted my arm, I'll tell you. In the three bags there were..... SKITTLES!! skittles I tell you, three bags full. None for the master and none for the dame, and none for the little boy who lives down the lane, why?

Because they are all mine!

For my birthday I got skittles, skittles galore. I'm only wondering how long they will last..


Authors note:

This is just a chapter to let you all get to know Skylar a little better! not much happened obviously, but it's the best I can do for now as I get back into writing :/

Please leave a comment. whether its good or bad! should I continue? should I not?

Thank you :)

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