Chapter 3: Suspicious Envoy

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As early evening came, when orange and purple were layered in the sky and darkness crept in, the royal banquet hall became crowded with guests.

It was no exaggeration to say that royal banquets were held almost every month. With the exception of the big festivals held four times a year, the rest were not so grand. Rather, it was more of a social dinner party, where most aristocrats would attend with ease.

Gazing at the people coming in, the crown princess looked around for the person she requested to join her on the balcony.

'You're not here yet.'

Lisa was the one the crown princess was looking for. She was also the most important of the few guests the crown princess cared to personally write the invitation letter to.

"I've been pretty tired lately......."

The crown princess raised her hand and shifted her shoulders while she rubbed her slightly glazed eyes. She let out a groan without realizing it. It couldn't be helped. She didn't sleep until late last night. That was why the crown princess needed Lisa even more so than ever.

'The touch of Lisa's hand will blow away all this fatigue.'

The crown princess recalled the day she first touched Lisa's hand. Lisa, the little girl who came holding Jungkook's hand. When she saw the shining wings behind the girl's embarrassed figure of not knowing how to treat a member of the royal family she met for the first time, the crown princess reached out without realizing it and grabbed Lisa's hand.

At that moment, the crown princess thought she had entered a deep forest valley. A cool, indescribable freshness enveloped the body. Would it be like this if one had washed all the unclean things with the purest water in the world?

When the crown princess came to her senses, she found that all the fatigue from the class she had attended the previous day had disappeared. Not only that, her tangled mind also became clean.

At that time, the crown princess made a pledge. She wanted to have Lisa next to her. Of course, that wasn't the only reason to call Lisa.

'There's something else besides the ability to recover.'

Of course, she didn't invite Lisa just to reap the benefits. The time to meet Lisa, drink a few, and talk to her in the midst of snake-like people was one of the few pleasant times for the crown princess.


Since marrying Jungkook, she could count with her fingers how many times Lisa visited. At least, she never managed to talk leisurely with her anymore. She could only greet Lisa when she attended the banquet.

Of course, it was because of Jungkook. He did not stray far from Lisa's side throughout the entire banquet, and as soon as the banquet was over, he hurried back to their home. She understood, but still...

'There's a certain degree!'

How he didn't think of letting Lisa go for more than three months. Of course, she knew their time as newlyweds would soon burn down, but Jungkook's obsession was at a serious level.

'You must be resting for now.'

A week ago, Jungkook contacted her. He informed her that it would take about a month because there were more things to look at than they had anticipated after inspecting everything at the end of the week.

Nevertheless, she thought this week was too short. Lisa would be more relaxed after two more weeks. In the meantime, she watched Lisa for a little while.

The crown princess took light steps down the hall, thinking that Lisa was arriving soon. People approached her as she walked down. The crown princess, who was replying to everyone's greeting, saw some young ladies unusually excited.

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