Side Story 2: A Story Lisa Doesn't Know

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It had snowed since dawn today. When she saw the heavy snow and the backyard that was covered in white, Lisa and Jungkook rolled around and played hard throughout the morning. If it were not for the servants calling them for lunch time, they might have kept playing until evening.

Maybe it was because they rolled around in the snow all morning that when they came back for lunch, the two of them both looked like a drowned mouse.

The servants informed them they would have to wash up before they could have lunch, because they'll get frostbite if they leave it like that. It was a fuss. Jungkook, who was about to say it was okay, saw Lisa's blue lips tremble.

Eventually, both of them went to take a bath before lunch.

An hour later, the two of them who had soaked themselves in warm water, ate the meal brought by the maid excitedly with flushed faces.

"I'm tired......."

After the meal, Lisa came to Jungkook, who was holding the gloves to go out and play again, and rubbed her eyes.

"Really? Do you want to take a nap?"


Lisa, who said so, climbed up onto Jungkook's bed. Then she fell asleep not long after. Jungkook, who was looking outside at the snow, climbed onto the bed carefully so as to not to wake Lisa up and laid down next to her.

Maybe it was because she had washed up. Therefore, Lisa, who was lying next to him, smelled like a flower. At the scent, Jungkook buried his nose into his arm and sniffed it. He also had a pleasant soapy scent, but it was different from Lisa.

How strange. He would have used the same soap, but why does it smell different? What was certain was that Lisa smelled good. Jungkook's face, which was chasing the scent, was buried into Lisa's hair. Soft brown hair swept across Jungkook's face.


As if she felt that Jungkook was sticking to her, Lisa tossed and turned. Jungkook was suddenly facing Lisa, who was fast asleep.

The warm exhaled breaths tickled Jungkook's lips. Deeply closed eyes. A flushed face. The red lips slightly opened, exposing the white teeth.

Then Lisa murmured.


Jungkook suddenly stiffened by the sound of his name. In a matter of moments, a burning sensation flowed down from the top of his head to his waist. The senses gathered together at Jungkook's lower body. Jungkook hurriedly lowered his hand and pressed it down.

It had occurred when he woke up in the morning lately, but he had never stood up in the middle of the day before, and the moment Lisa mumbled his name, he reacted so suddenly that it was embarrassing.

As Jungkook was perplexed, Lisa murmured again.

"No... No. Don't ....... Oh, yeah.... hn!"


What on earth was she doing in her dream? A gasping moan leaked from Lisa's mouth. There was no way he'd do something Lisa didn't like, but Lisa frowned like she was doing something difficult. But then. Why?


Jungkook grabbed the swelling genitals under his clothes. He just pressed it with his hand, but his eyes flashed, and his ears went blank. Instinct led his hand. Before he knew it, Jungkook was holding his pillar and moving his hands back and forth.

It's not enough. He needed something more. Jungkook looked at Lisa's face. Lisa, one more time, one more time.......

Did she perhaps notice Jungkook's mind?

Things to Do During the Day 「Liskook」Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora