Side Story 3: A Story Jungkook Doesn't Know

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"Ah, ahh, ahh, achoo!"

Lisa's older sister sneezed loudly. Lisa's mother then looked at her eldest daughter with worry-filled eyes.

"I heard the flu is going around in the capital these days. Did you catch it?"

"No! It's because mom sprinkled too much pepper on top of the potato soup!"

Lisa's sister grumbled and lifted a spoon. Then Lisa, who was sitting next to her, made an 'Ahhh' sound and opened her mouth wide. She was also asking for a bite, so Lisa's older sister lifted a spoon full of soup and put it in Lisa's mouth.

"Is it delicious?"

"Yes! Delicious!"

Lisa's mother struck Lisa on the back with her hand.

"You! I made this for your sister. How can you eat all of it!"

Lisa then grumbled as if it was unfair.

"You gave some to my sister! Why don't you give some to me?"

"It's because your sister works hard outside and can't eat properly. Every time you go to the main house, you get to sit next to the young master and eat till you're full, so why are you even aiming for your sister's soup after coming home?!"

Lisa covered her ears with her hands as if she could not hear her mother's nagging and opened her mouth toward her sister again. She was signaling that she wanted another bite.

"Don't be fooled! Lisa had lunch an hour ago!"

The sound of Lisa's back getting slapped rang once again in Lisa's house.

* * *

"I'm so glad you're here."

Lisa rolled around on her sister's bed while holding a cushion. Growing up, they had fought a lot, but Lisa only had her as an older sister. When Lisa was very young and was living in the countryside, before entering the dukedom, her sister was the only one who kicked the boys who bullied Lisa.

A few months ago, her sister left the house, announcing her departure.

Her sister opened a jewelry store with her friend at the end of the street, where all the boutiques were gathered. Due to her sister having dexterous hands, orders flooded in as soon as the store was opened, so as a result, her sister rarely returned home.

"How's the store? You said you were busy."

"I'm still busy, but as my mom said, the flu has gone around, and the number of customers has decreased. That's why I can come home this time. Oh, this is a gift."

Her sister rummaged through her bag and held out a book to Lisa. The cover, wrapped in a pink cloth, was engraved with a title with gold and silver foil that were so bright that it hurt her eyes. Lisa narrowed her eyes and read the title.

"Making Wishes Come True...... Magic Spells......?"

'Oh, isn't that a strange title?'

"Sister, I'm not a child, what kind of book......."

"It contains spells that make your love come true, and spells that allow you to see the face of your future husband."

"......Thank you very much for buying me this."

Lisa knelt down and bowed politely. Seeing this, her sister clicked her tongue and continued her explanation.

"It's the most popular book in the capital these days. I even had to pre-purchased it to get it."

"Why? Does it really work?"

"Well ...... they said it was true and real when they tried it. Of course I don't believe it, but Lisa, you like this kind of thing."

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