Chapter 8: We Didn't Fight

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She forgot.

Lisa's eyelids moved slowly. 'Where is this? Who am I?' Lisa could answer those questions herself after a second. This was the bedroom in the mansion. And she was Lisa. But why was she lying here? Did she just wake up?

"Oh ...."

Slowly, memories popped up in her mind. The sky that looked like it was going to snow. She went to the lake with Jungkook, and they sat there talking. After a while, they started arguing about something really trivial. Jungkook, who always gives in, said he was disappointed even until the end of the day, so she turned sulky even though she knew he had done nothing wrong. And then...


Lisa jumped to her feet.

"Kook, Kook! Where are you?"

A sword had obviously penetrated Jungkook's body. She saw Jungkook bleeding and reeling. Lisa floundered out of her seat. It wasn't the time for her to lie down. She had to find Jungkook. The memory of the blood that sprayed onto the floor grew in front of Lisa's eyes.

Her body, which was trying to step on the floor in a hurry, was caught in the bed sheet and collapsed, falling off the bed.


The fact that Jungkook was injured rather than the pain of her body hitting the floor made Lisa afraid. Then she heard someone running outside, and the door burst open.


It was Jungkook who came in. When he saw Lisa on the floor, he looked as if the world had collapsed. He quickly picked her up and put her on the bed.

"Oh my God, I didn't expect you to wake up when I went downstairs for just a moment. Are you okay? Are you okay? You hurt your stomach didn't you? I need to call a doctor."

It was a carpeted floor. Rolling over didn't cause much harm. Jungkook, however, did not come to his senses. It was as if Lisa had been seriously injured.

"I have to call the doctor! You, you're injured......."

Lisa burst into tears at the memories.

"Are your injuries okay... you're really Kook, aren't you? You're alive, right?"

Jungkook then came to his senses and hugged Lisa, who suddenly burst into hysterical tears. Jungkook beckoned the servants of the mansion, who were surprised at the disturbance, to shut the door and go out.

Lisa, who had been crying for a long time, wiped her tears and runny nose with the back of her hands. Then she immediately pulled open Jungkook's shirt.

"Show me! You were definitely stabbed!"

However, the belly under the rolled-up shirt showed only the usual firm muscles without even a scratch, as if it had all been a horrible dream.

"No way... I'm sure I saw......?"

Jungkook sighed briefly at her words.

"Based on what you remember, that must've meant that I haven't been crazy either."

"What do you mean?"

"Lili, do you remember when I was stabbed?"

"Of course!"

"Do you happen to remember who stabbed me?"


Lisa, who was about to answer, suddenly became speechless. She couldn't remember. She remembered Jungkook being stabbed, but she couldn't remember who did it at all.

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