This is Halloween

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It was safe to assume there was never going to be a peaceful year at Hogwarts. First year, Professor Quirrell tried bringing Voldemort back to life while keeping said monster hidden underneath the turban on his head. At the end of that year, Harry somehow managed to take care of both the professor and Voldemort in one foul swoop. This year, well, this year was something new all together.

It started on Halloween.

Because of course it did.

Elizabeth sat among her Ravenclaw peers during the much-beloved Halloween Feast, stuffing themselves silly with scores of festive treats: bat brownies, pumpkin cakes, all kinds of assorted lollipops and candies; anything one could imagine, really. The older students conversed about the Halloween party they were going to be attending in some undisclosed location later in the evening. Some of the younger students were jealous they were not invited while others remained oblivious to it all. They did have their treats and that's all that mattered.

To Elizabeth's right, Isobel and Terry were discussing their favorite Halloween films. One of the many things Elizabeth learned about last year while being in the Ravenclaw house. There were so many amazing Muggle technologies she was in complete awe of, films was one of them. Moving pictures played on a small or large screen with a story, music, or both. She had yet to watch one, but when she did, the girl knew she was going to enjoy it immensely.

"No way, Boot," Isobel exclaimed, biting the head off one of the bat brownies. "Halloween is the absolute best Halloween movie. It's the title of the blasted thing!"

"It's a fine movie," Terry countered. "But it's not the best one. A Nightmare on Elm Street is much better."

"Both of you are wrong," Cho Chang commented from further down the table. "Everyone knows The Exorcist is the best Halloween movie."

"Lies!" Isobel and Terry exclaimed together.

"Elizabeth, what are they talking about?" Luna Lovegood, a first year student, asked. Her bright blue eyes were full of curiosity.

"Muggle entertainment," Elizabeth answered. "I haven't seen any of these films they talk about, but they seem fun."

"Oh," Luna replied. "Okay."

Luna Lovegood was one of the few new first years to join the Ravenclaw house this year. She was a little quirky which opened herself up to plenty of jerks making fun of and bullying her from students from other houses as well as their own. Elizabeth, on the other hand, found the young girl to be very sweet and always there to talk to in need be.

"I wish we could hook something up like we have with the record player so we could watch some Halloween movies," Isobel sighed. "That would be so much fun, and it would give us something to do tonight. If only the professors would let us younger students go trick-or- treating inside the castle or something."

"The last thing the professors want is all of their students jacked up on sugar," Terry snorted at the idea. "Besides, this whole table is a trick-or-treating jackpot if you ask me."

Terry wasn't wrong. The entire table was filled with treats. So many, in fact, Elizabeth had a feeling most of them were going to go to waste. Maybe she would give some to Ron. He always ate more than he needed to. What were a few more sweets in the grand scheme of things anyway?

The thought brought Elizabeth's attention to the table across from her, only to find that her pig of a brother was nowhere to be found. How very odd. Ron was never one to miss a feast of any kind. What was even stranger was the other two Gryffindors missing. Harry and Hermione were absent, too. This realization made Elizabeth audibly groan. Whenever the three of them were gone, something bad was bound to happen.

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