First Date

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The crisp, autumn air made itself known as the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. Students who'd already visited the small, magical village went about their usual morning routine, not a care in the world. On the other hand, the third-year students were slightly chaotic from the moment they woke up. Friend groups got together, finalizing their plans for the day. Where they wanted to go, what they wanted to see, and what they wanted to buy. (The most important matter among the majority of the students.)

Elizabeth sat in her usual seat in the Great Hall the morning of the trip, or more importantly, the morning of her date with Anthony. Isobel woke up the poor girl at the crack of dawn to make sure the redhead was dressed appropriately and looked the part.

Was it excessive?


Did Elizabeth think Isobel went a bit too far for a first date?

A tad, yes.

But it made Isobel happy, so Elizabeth didn't mind too much.

"So, you and Anthony are going to meet us at the Three Broomsticks at one o'clock, right?" Terry asked while the trio was finishing up breakfast. "Giving the two of you plenty of time to do date things beforehand."

"Terry, we've been over the plan a dozen times now," she answered. "Anthony and I will meet you two at the Three Broomsticks. You don't have to worry that shaggy head of yours. We'll be there. Promise."

"What's got you so worked up for anyway?" Isobel asked from the other side of the boy. "Do you think something bad's going to happen to us while we're there? Sirius Black going to come out of hiding and attack poor, defenseless school children?"

"Have you seen the picture in the Prophet? I wouldn't put it past the crazed lunatic," Terry surmised. "Lizzie, please keep your eyes peeled."

"Merlin, you're starting to sound like my dad," the redhead laughed, noticing students from the other tables making their way to the courtyard for the instructions from Professor McGonagall. "Shall we?"

Filtch stood beside the woman as everyone gathered in the courtyard's center. Check for signed permission forms, making sure everything checked out with the man's incredibly long list.

While McGonagall went over the last-minute details, ("Hogsmeade is a privilege. If I get a whiff of any riff-raff from anyone, you will no longer be granted access to the village.") and the like, Elizabeth scanned over the crowd. The usual groups were standing together, and as her gaze landed on her brother and Hermione, she couldn't help but feel her stomach drop slightly. Harry wasn't with them. He'd failed to get his form signed. The poor boy had to remain at the castle while all of his friends had fun without him. The girl made a mental note to get some extra sweets from Honeyduke's for him.

"Ready to have some fun, Lizzie," Anthony walked up beside her.

"Very much so," she greeted him with a smile. "Where would you like to head first?"

"You don't want to pick our first destination?"

"Surprise me, Goldstein," Elizabeth said.

"As the lady wishes," the boy replied, the couple following the large group towards the magical village.

Anthony's original idea of heading to Honeyduke's was thwarted when the couple passed the small candy shop and noticed a crowd of students barging their way inside. Deciding to wait it out, Anthony grabbed Elizabeth's hand and led her down a quieter street where Dominic Maestro's Music Shop was located.

A tiny bell dinged above them when they entered. Both students were happy to see the shop nearly empty, save for a few older students mosying around the records for sale. Most were fellow Ravenclaws, not to either Elizabeth's or Anthony's surprise.

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