Plans Foiled

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On Christmas morning, Elizabeth carried her pillowcase full of presents from Ravenclaw Tower to Gryffindor Tower with Winnie trotting beside her slipper-clad feet. Winnie let out an excited meow when the entrance to her siblings' common room was in sight. Elizabeth wasn't the only one eager to spend the morning with the Gryffindors, it seemed.

"I'm sure Crookshanks is around for you to play with, Win," Elizabeth laughed, telling the portrait the password and entering the room once the door swung open. "Hermione won't mind. Good morning, you three. Happy Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas, Lizzie," the three Gryffindors chorused. Both Ron and Hermione gave the girl a warm smile, but Harry, for some strange reason, mumbled the greeting while staring at the floor.

"Do you three want to join Ginny and me?" she asked the trio sitting in the middle of the floor. "We don't mind company."

"No, that's your and Ginny's thing," Ron answered before Harry or Hermione could utter their opinion. "But thanks for the invitation."

"Suit yourselves," Elizabeth shrugged, going up the right staircase towards the second-year girl dorms. Winnie was already off to find Crookshanks. With a quick knock on the door, Elizabeth was pulled into her little sister's room.

"Someone's excited for Christmas this year," Elizabeth laughed as Ginny pulled her onto the four-poster bed.

"You would be too if you had a crappy one last year," Ginny said, a smile plastered on her face. "Happy Christmas, sis."

"Happy Christmas, Gin."

"Lucky for us," Ginny piled her gifts onto the bed. "I am the only one in the dorm this year for the break, so we don't have to worry about anyone barging in and ruining our tradition."

"That must be nice," Elizabeth commented, emptying her pillowcase beside her sister's pile. "Everyone decided to stay in my dorm this year."

"And you still wanted to spend Christmas morning with me," Ginny smiled. "I feel so special."

"You are such a drama queen sometimes," Elizabeth laughed. "Shall we?"

Back and forth the Weasley sisters went, opening presents they received from their family and friends. The traditional knitted Weasley sweaters were the first to be opened. This year Ginny was the thankful one. She was the one who was going through a growth spurt and needed to replace her old one.

"Mum never disappoints," Ginny sighed, reaching into the pile. "Colin Creevey?"

"Oooohh, does someone have a secret admirer?" Elizabeth teased, opening up her large bag of sweets from Terry. "When were you going to tell me that?"

"I helped him with Charms homework once," the younger girl cautiously opened the small package to reveal some new parchment and ink. "All right, that's not so bad."

"Probably a thank you. Very nice of him if you ask me," Elizabeth commented.

"Yeah, but on Christmas?" Ginny thought aloud. "He could give me this any time. It's weird. And for the record, if I had any boy gossip, you'd be the first to know."

"Does this mean you are over Harry?" Elizabeth asked.

"Of course I am," Ginny stated. "After all, he has eyes for someone else."

"Wait, really?" Elizabeth's eyes bugged. "Oh my gosh, spill the Gryffindor gossip! Why has no one told me?"

Ginny immediately looked down, picking at her fuzzy socks. This confused Elizabeth greatly. Usually, her little sister was all about sharing whatever crazy rumors were spreading around. What about this particular one with Harry that caused her to freeze up? Unless.......

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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