Help From Below

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This fanfic was mainly inspired by Hazbin Hero from Mrotrax and One Helluva Upbringing from TheCrazedFanFictioner. You can find their works on (check out their works, they are really good writers and deserve more attention than they get!). I tried to write it as best as I could as a beginner writer. Plus English is not my mother tongue, so in some places, the grammar and the writing can be crappy, but I tried my best not to be like that. If you have any criticism or suggestion about my writing and how should I write it down and express things, feel free to leave a comment under the fanfic. I would appreciate it. Now, with that out of the way, let's jump into it, shall we?


The topic which all of us have a different point of view and brought up one way or another.

Some believe that based on our actions, we will get into Heaven or fall into the burning pits of Hell, while others think there isn't Heaven or Hell, we just reincarnate over and over in an endless cycle, there are those who think the afterlife doesn't exist and so on. The truth is, none of us know the answer. But for ordinary people, this didn't matter, and didn't have a single thought about it in their everyday lives. A certain loving married couple believed the same on that very day.

Despite the late hour of the day, the Musutafu Local Hospital was teeming but calm at the same time. The nurses were booking appointments for future patients, helping the job of doctors during surgeries, and bringing food for patients fastly, as if it was a marathon in the Olympic Games. The doctors called the few waiting people who had to come to that time in, examined them, then after the patient left the room, called the next one in, and this went on over and over again, repeating the cycle, while the rest of people were waiting for their turn in the waiting rooms.

Inko Midoriya and her husband, Hisashi Midoriya, were among those people. They were sitting on white, not-so-comfortable chairs in front of the door of the room of the gynecological doctor at the women's medical department part of the building, waiting patiently for the previous patient to finally come out from the doctor's office and let them go inside.

Inko had a slim body, as was expected from a model such as herself, with green hair in a small and spiky ponytail and large, circular green eyes. She was wearing her casual clothes, which consisted of a pink shirt, a blue skirt, and white shoes on her legs. Her husband, Hisashi, had a slim body as well, but he was much skinnier and less muscular than his wife and possessed small yet noticeable bags under his eyes and sparse black hair. He was wearing a light red jacket with a yellow shirt under it, blue jeans on his legs, and black shoes on his feet.

Inko had been searching for something in her blue bag desperately, gaining the attention of her husband.

"What are looking for in your bag, honey?" Hisashi asked curiously.

"My phone." she answered, "I've been searching for it for like 5 minutes and I still can't find it! And I need it because Mitsuki could call me any time and if I don't pick it up, she's going to get nervous and my photographer is going to phone me about the next photoshoot at 1800hrs and I don't want to miss any details from it, because it gives us more money and...! Inko enumerated nervously and frustrated, as she continued to look for her phone inside her bag. She would have continued her say if Hisashi hadn't shut her up by placing his thin left index finger on her mouth. This caused Inko to look at her husband, who was smiling at her.

"Please, give me the bag." he requested kindly, offering his right hand. Without any question, she placed the bag into his hand while she was shaking her right leg up and down. After less than 15 seconds, he found the pink-colored cell phone and lent his right hand out once again, offering the communication device to his wife, "Here you go, honey." Hisashi said, as he gently placed the phone into Inko's hands.

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