The Beginning Of A Hero's Journey

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It was a sunny spring morning in Japan, ten years after our hero met his father for the first time. The sky of Musutafu was accompanied by a few fluffy clouds, decorating it with their white bodies, while the wind scattered the cherry blossoms across the city, just like it did in the time of every spring. Most of the people were already on their way to their workplaces. Meanwhile, the students of the city were heading towards their schools due to the fact that it was the beginning of a new school year. Our protagonist was not different, not even in the slightest.

Izuku Midoriya, who was now a fourteen years old teenager, was running on the sidewalk of one of the streets excitedly while a much larger Shadow, around his master's height, attempted to follow him by flying. Izuku was wearing a black-colored school uniform, a yellow backpack on his back, and red shoes. However, his excitement was not because of the new school year. It was due to another phenomenon. The phenomena he was a fan of since he was little.

As he ran on the street, he reached a pedestrian crossing which was controlled by a traffic light that changed its light into a red color, signaling and causing Izuku and Shadow to stop in front of the pedestrian crossing next to three other people. As they waited for the traffic light to show its green-colored light, Izuku enthusiastically lifted his legs one after another and Shadow got next to his master. Shortly after, the red color of the lamp disappeared and it shifted to its green color, allowing the citizens to cross the road. At the moment they saw this, Izuku immediately jolted forward, crossing the road as fast as he could while Shadow tried to keep up with him.

He just ran and ran, until at a point of his journey, he looked up to check if he was in the right direction. When he saw that he was indeed in the right direction, he continued his way forward while Shadow tried to keep up with his master. As he was on his way to the location, a loud roar was heard in the air, assuring the both of them with the fact that they were close to their point of interest. Not long after the roar, Izuku and Shadow finally got to their destination, which was not other than the Tatooin Station. As they arrived at the station, they instantly got the sight of a crowd standing in front of the station and staring at the reason why Izuku wanted to come to this location in the first place.

At the rails of the station, a giant man was rampaging, not allowing anyone to approach the station. He was six or seven meters and had a strange, animal-like head, reddish-brown beard, and long brownish hair, with his attire only consisting of a black torn jacket and blue jeans. As he continued to wreak havoc, Izuku and Shadow observed the large man with astonishment, with the former forming a big, excited smile in the process.

"That's a huge villain!" Izuku remarked hectically as Shadow nodded in agreement, sharing his master's opinion. After Izuku said this, the giant man let out a roar once again and swung his left, causing a metal structure to break apart and begin to fall down towards the crowd. The people in the crowd started to scream in fear and fright, when a tall, strong, muscular man with short, spiky, white hair, small black eyes, and a square jaw, ran in the direction of the falling metal structure. He was wearing a large headband on his forehead with a yellow and black-striped caution pattern, matching his thick wrist-guards and his belt around his wrist, which possessed a square buckle with a triangular decoration sat in its center. He also had what seemed to be a cyan-colored cardigan, that exposed his lower torso and the center of his pectorals, held onto his chest on each side by small metal nuts. His pants were dark blue with a white stripe down each side and were slightly baggy on him, and his shoes were plain back with a simple design.

The man ran under the metal structure and as he got to his position, he clenched his hands into fists and touched them to each other, then raised his arms towards the sky, attempting to catch the falling structure. At the moment he lifted his arms, the structure fell into his hands and miraculously, he was capable of keeping it in place, preventing it from falling on the crowd. As he caught the metal structure, a small gust of wind was released, causing the front row of the crowd to close their eyes for a short amount of time. After they opened their visionary organs, they watched in awe as their savior held the structure in place.

The Overlord Of HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora