Love Who:PART 2

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"Hello doctor.." "morning doctor"..."How was you night doctor"...
Well this is just another normal day for life is like a rounded know wake up...go to back home...and repeat...I've never been a fan of crowds...weird right because being a doctor or a surgeon I have to meet alot of people in my line of work...well another intresting fact is that am married...yeah sorry ladies and gents am taken...most people are accuarly very wowed(if I may use that word) about my marriage to hubby is kinda of a those men who spend 90% of their time in the that sexy me he is tall everywhere(whatever you want to use that information is up to you)...What most people don't know is that the marriage was accuarly arranged...but What could we do about it we learnt to stay together....
I remember when we accuarly had our first night together...we accuarly didn't plan for it...but I remember that day he brought someone to the hospital who had just had an accident...and for someone who he accuarly didn't could tell that he wanted the person to live...more to that the person needed blood...he was an O...and pond donated his blood..I was so curious about why he helped the person so much and all he told me was and I quote
"Humans are made to break...situations day i might be the one in his shoes...I just did what I would want to be done...and saving a life is another form of merit making...just making the world a better place..."
I remember looking at this pure soul and my heart just melt and all i could do was pull him in my office...closed the door and might be weird but i initiated it...I remember the passionate deep kiss...the lust the emotions as our tongues danced in our tunes...our hands just moving freely as our morns hit every corner of the office...I couldn't hold it in anymore...I wanted him in me...I wanted him to make me his...we had been married for so long and yet he waited for me...
Let me say having an energetic partner is not always a good thing...the pain..the pleasure...when we locked eyes as desire was running wild...when his whole self was in me...when it was just me and him...him and was get right...let's just say it was so good I had to stay home for 3 days...back pains...I mean who got so much stamina

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