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" I heard Khao will be holding a charity dinner and he invited us as guest"....Gawin and I have kinda adjusted to being a married wasn't as bad at it was...he didn't try to control anything i do he treats me well and it's like back when we were friends
"Ooh that's nice and it's for a good course so why not..."khao responded positively which kinda shock Gawin...He knew first wasn't into going to parties or random places anytime he mentioned going somewhere he always refused...
  Khao was the first person that I had been close too...he was someone I could see myself liking and not finding him annoying...he just made my feel comfortable but because of our busy schedules we really didn't meet much...I was excited to see him...
    "Ooh since its a worthy dinner can i bring some of my friends like Dunk Phuwin and Sea with me" I asked know the more the merrier....
  "Aah sure you can tell them to bring friends too...I heard both Phuwin and Dunk are dating dancers and Sea is dating a doctor it would be nice to finally meet their partners don't you think" I nodded respondently
We had to meet up first before heading to the party together...Dunk and Phuwin met us first with who i believe we're their partners...very handsome guys indeed
  "Hello guys this is Pond my faen" Phuwin introduced proudly...Pond had that kind of prince charming type of look...with his hair and voice definitely out of a book
   "Well this is my faen Joong" Dunk introduced...Joong had that bad boy aura...he could pass as am actor infact I heard he once dated a very famous actor called Nine but had to separate for unknown reasons...Destiny maybe wanted joongdunk to happen🤭..
   Sea was not able to go with as and told us he would meet us at dinner since his partner knew the place...Getting to the party I noticed alot of big could I not know them the buisness world isn't that big anyway...but what caught my attention is that most of them know gay...this was going to be intresting...
   "I thought you guys were still on honeymoon" Pond had to tease as immediately he saw us...
  I was accuarly more comfortable with Pond and our marriage and it felt good..we introduced the friends we had come with and there he was Khao...there was just something about him that pulled him to me...I stared at him so much that I didn't notice him come close
  "Booh, what's that that caught the eyes of you" Khao as always started the conversation
  "Ooh it's you...I mean you looking good as always" why was my heart so shaken...what is this man doing to me...why is he making me feel this way...
  The awkwardness disappeared when Gawin and Pond joined us and we started mingling with the guests...
  "Sea you are finally here...and this is"Pond asked after noticing Sea...
"Ooh this is my fiancee doctor Jimmy...actually he works at the same hospital as Khao..."
  Everyone seemed to have arrived and it was time to start the event...(to be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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